

Fridn is a language spoken by an ethnic group in Northern Europe, specifically Norway, parts of Sweden, and North-Western Russia. Fridn is a language not recognized by most of the governments because the number of speakers is less than 5,000. It is rapidly being replaced by Russian, Norwegian, Swedish, or Modern English.
Fridn is an extremely endangered language and most families and schools no longer teach it to pupils. Certain Norwegian islands and villages (places by Nordkapp, Vardo, and along the Tano river) are inhabitted by only Fridn speakers. Most of the Fridn speakers are bilingual (Fridn and Norwegian) or trilingual (Fridn, Norwegian, and English). Bilingualism is highly recommended for Fridn speakers.

Naming and origin

The Fridn speaking people tend to call their language Firdosk(FEER-dorshk)but the term Fridisc has come to use in the Fridnish community. However, many Fridn speakers believe that the term Fridisc(Frih-DISH) is to unoriginal and that it insults to the Fridn pride.

"Se Non de 'Fridisc' bidt at Insuldte à firddosk Langu."The name "Fridisc" is an insult to the Fridn language. -a counsel elder

Related languages

Fridn words of foreign descent are common since Fridn is a dying language. It has words that come from Old English, Russian, Norsk, French, German, and even Latin. The closest language to Fridn is either English, German, or another form of Germanic language. "Stolen" wordsgrandt-tall, big (Fr.)hund- dog, hound (Ger.)finetr- window (Lat.)etan- to eat (O.E.)dækk- day (O.E.)

Vocabulary comparison


Fridn evolved when Old English settlers brought their language to Norway and Russia. It has been influenced by both Modern English, Norwegian, Russian, German, and even Latin.

Writing system

The Fridn alphabet is the same as the Latin alphabet with three different forms of vowels.


The special forms are:Ä,Á,À umlauts, acute, and grave.

The original Fridn alphabet consisted of the following:A,B,D,E,F,G,K,L,M,N,O,P,R,S,T,&V

It was given letters from...English- æ, c, h, i, and qGerman- j, u, w, and z (although only the diphthong zz is pronounced as the German z)Norwegian- å and ø

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