

Tsogt (Lang-mn|Цогт, "mighty", Tsogtyn in the genitive form for patronymics) is a common part of Mongolian names.


* Tsogtyn Batbayar, the mayor of Ulaanbaatar between 2005 and 2007
* Tsogtyn Badamkhatan, an olympic archer from Mongolia
* Tsogt Badamjav, an Architect of Buryat descent (around 1900)
* Tsogt Khun Taij, a noble of the Khalkha-Mongols (1581-1637)

* Several Sums (districts) in different Aimags (provinces) of Mongolia:
** Tsogt, Govi-Altai
** Tsogt-Ovoo, Ömnögovi
** Erdenetsogt, Bayankhongor
** Delgertsogt, Dundgovi
** Tsogttsetsii, Ömnögovi

* Bürentsogt Tungsten Mine, a mining location and settlement in eastern Mongolia

* Tsogt Taij (film), a Mongolian movie about Tsogt Khun Taij

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