Guai a chi ci tocca

Guai a chi ci tocca

Guai a chi ci tocca, is the second studio album from the italian band 99 Posse. Recorded by Enzo Rizzo at Flying Recording studios (Naples) and by Massimo Aluzzi at Splash studios (Naples), it was released on 1994.

This is the second work born by the collaboration of 99 Posse and Bisca, after the live disc Incredibile opposizione tour 94.
The musical style of this album cannot be easely definited, because these two bands played very different music styles.
The track "Omaggio a Massimo" (translable as "Tribute to Massimo"), is a tribute to the italian actor Massimo Troisi. This is not a song, but a part of a monologue of Massimo Troisi.
The track "Resiste Chiapas" is a remix of a popular song wrote by EZLN, where is repeated the phrase "Zapata vive, la lucha sigue" ("Zapata is still alive, the fight still goes on").

Infobox Album |
Name = Guai a chi ci tocca
Type = Album
Artist = 99 Posse

Released = 1995
Recorded = Splash Naples (Italy)
Flying Recording Naples (Italy)
Genre = Rap, Ska
Length =
Label = IO
Producer =
Reviews =
Last album = "Incredibile opposizione tour 94"
This album = "Guai a chi ci tocca" (1995)
Next album = "Cerco tiempo" (1996)

Track listing

# "Scetateve Guagliu' - 04:24"
# "No Way - 04:57"
# "Omaggio a Massimo - 00:49"
# "Guai a chi ci tocca - 04:26"
# "Il carabiniere di Siviglia - 00:28"
# "'A Finanziaria - 05:29"
# "Resiste Chiapas - 02:05"
# "Sudditi - 05:00"
# "Il tempo degli autonomi - 00:59"
# "Cildren ov babilon - 04:31"
# "Sasa' - 01:54"
# "Hip Hop Serio - 04:48"
# "Tu lo chiami dio - 05:59"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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