- Saltwort
Saltwort is a common name used for three different genera, not all related, of flowering plants:
Batis ", family Bataceae
*"Salicornia " and "Salsola ", family Amaranthaceae
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Saltwort is a common name used for three different genera, not all related, of flowering plants:
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Saltwort — Salt wort , n. (Bot.) A name given to several plants which grow on the seashore, as the {Batis maritima}, and the glasswort. See {Glasswort}. [1913 Webster] {Black saltwort}, the sea milkwort. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
saltwort — [sôlt′wʉrt΄] n. [? based on Du zoutkruid] any of a genus (Salsola) of plants of the goosefoot family, growing on seashores or saline soils, including the Russian thistle … English World dictionary
saltwort — noun Date: 1568 1. any of a genus (Salsola) of plants (as the Russian thistle) of the goosefoot family of which some have been used in making soda ash 2. a low growing strong smelling succulent coastal shrub (Batis maritima of the family… … New Collegiate Dictionary
saltwort — /sawlt werrt , wawrt /, n. any of various plants of sea beaches, salt marshes, and alkaline regions, esp. belonging to the genus Salsola, of the goosefoot family, as S. kali, a bushy plant having prickly leaves, or belonging to the genus… … Universalium
saltwort — noun /ˈsɔːlt.wəːt,ˈsɒlt.wəːt,ˈsɑlt.wɔɹt,ˈsɔlt.wɚt/ a) Batis maritima, a plant distributed in the southwestern United States, Caribbean, and South America in coastal saltmarshes. b) Glaux maritima, a plant in the primrose family (Primulaceae) and… … Wiktionary
Saltwort — Batis (E) … EthnoBotanical Dictionary
saltwort — n. plant that belongs to the goosefoot family that has prickly leaves and small flowers and is found on sea beaches … English contemporary dictionary
saltwort — noun a plant of the goosefoot family, typically growing in salt marshes, which is rich in alkali. [Genus Salsola.] … English new terms dictionary
saltwort — salt•wort [[t]ˈsɔltˌwɜrt, ˌwɔrt[/t]] n. pln any of various plants growing in saline soil, esp. those belonging to the genus Salsola • Etymology: 1560–70; trans. of D zoutkruid=zout salt +kruid herb … From formal English to slang
saltwort — /ˈsɒltwɜt/ (say soltwert) noun any of various plants of sea beaches, saltmarshes, and alkaline regions, especially of the genus Salsola, as S. kali, a bushy plant with prickly leaves. {salt + wort2} …