TransCAD for the Web

TransCAD for the Web

Infobox Software
name = TransCAD for the Web

caption =
author =
developer = Caliper Corporation
released =
latest release version = 5.0
latest release date = 2008
latest preview version =
latest preview date =
programming language =
operating system = Microsoft Windows
platform =
language =
status =
genre = Mapping Software, GIS, GIS software, Map Software
license =
website = [ Caliper Mapping Software Home]

TransCAD for the Web is a version of Caliper Corporation's TransCAD Geographical Information System (GIS). The Web development platform uses application source code that can be edited using Javascript, HTML and ASP.NET. Application templates (Mapplications) are used to create a web application or service. The default templates include Ajax applications and mashups that use Google Maps via the Google Map API. TransCAD for the Web is a distinct software product [] , and is the only transportation GIS with web development capabilities.


External links

* [ Caliper Mapping Software] - official website
* [ SRPEDD Signalized Intersections] - Example application

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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