Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki

Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki

Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki (ca. 1665April 30, 1734) was a Polish Baroque composer.

His Life

Born in Rossberg (Rozbark) near Beuthen (Bytom) in Silesia in around 1665, little is known of his early life. Similarly little is known about his musical education; however, it is known that he attended the University of Prague, where he gained graduated from the department of Liberal Arts and Philosophy, and then attended the University of Vienna where he gained a licentiate in Theology. He arrived in Cracow in 1689 or 1690, where he then attended the Catholic Seminary there. He was ordained on 22 March 22, 1692.

Immediately after his ordination, he was appointed to the academy for missionary priests in Chelmno in Pomerania, where he lectured in rhetoric and poetry, as well as conducting the local orchestra. After two years, he returned to Cracow, where he was appointed Curate of the cathedral, and performed in the cathedral orchestra. He was appointed conductor on January 10, 1698, and remained in this position for the rest of his life, dying on April 30, 1734.

The earliest recorded information on any of Gorczycki's works comes from 1694, but he must have written a substantial amount before 1698 in order to be appointed Kappelmeister. Unfortunately none of his compositions were ever published during his lifetime, so most of them have been lost; 39 works can however be safely attributed to him.

His works

His work is essentially divided into three strands:

Works in the "Stile Antico"

These are works for 4 part choir, either "a cappella" or with small accompanying ensemble. It is here we see Gorczycki's mastery of counterpoint; he wrote masses, as well as arrangements of introits, antiphons, offertories and hymns which all belong to this category.

Examples include:
* "Missa paschalis"
* "Missa "Rorate"
* "Sepulto Domino"
* "Tota pulchra es Maria"
* "Dignare me laudare te"
* "Ave Maria"

=Works in the "Concertante" style=

This style was more current at this time, as opposed to the Renaissance style of the above works, and these works were composed for small ensemble and choir.

Examples include:
* "Laetatus sum"
* "In virtute tua"
* "Conductus funebris"
* "Completorium"
* "Illuxit sol"
* "Litaniae de Providentia Divina"

Instrumental works

Whilst this section of his work is small, it is known that Gorczycki did write instrumental pieces; in 1962 evidence of a "Ball Polonaise" was discovered, however only a violin part remains. There is also evidence that the orchestra of Wieluń had Gorczycki's "Ouverture ex D" in its repertory.

External links

* [ Cantus Quercus Press' short biography]
* [ Completorium, Polish Early Music website]
* [ Recording of "Laetatus sum"]
* [ Polish Language wikipedia entry for Gorczycki]

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