lymphokine — [ lɛ̃fɔkin ] n. f. • v. 1975; de lympho et gr. kinein « mouvoir » ♦ Biol. Substance sécrétée par des lymphocytes T, qui active d autres globules blancs, y compris d autres lymphocytes. ⇒ interleukine. ● lymphokine nom féminin Substance libérée… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Lymphokine — sind eine Sammelbezeichnung für spezielle Zytokine. Die ursprüngliche Definition von Dumonde (1982) bezeichnete alle nicht Antikörper Proteine, die von aktivierten Lymphozyten produziert werden und als interzellulare Botenstoffe der Immunantwort… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lymphokine — [zu griechisch kineĩn »bewegen«] Plural, Immunologie: von Lymphozyten, v. a. T Lymphozyten, gebildete Zytokine … Universal-Lexikon
Lymphokine — Lymphokine, von T Helfer Zellen und anderen Immunzellen sezernierte Glykoproteine, z.B. ⇒ Interleukine und ⇒ Interferone, die Abwehrvorgänge anregen … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
lymphokine — [lim′fō kīn΄] n. [ LYMPHO + kine < Gr kinein, to move] any of various soluble proteins, as interferon, that are secreted by T cells interacting with an antigen and that help fight infection … English World dictionary
lymphokine — limfokinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Imuninės sistemos baltymas. atitikmenys: angl. lymphokine rus. лимфокин … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Lymphokine-activated killer cell — In cell biology, a lymphokine activated killer cell (also known as a LAK cell) is a white blood cell that has been stimulated to kill tumour cells. [cite web | url= alpha.aspx?CdrID=45287 | title=Definition of… … Wikipedia
lymphokine — noun Etymology: lymph + kine, from Greek kinein to move about more at kinesis Date: 1969 any of various substances (as interleukin 2) of low molecular weight that are not antibodies, are secreted by T cells in response to stimulation by antigens … New Collegiate Dictionary
lymphokine — (lim fo kin) A biologically active glycoprotein (e.g., IL 1) secreted by activated lymphocytes, especially sensitized T cells. It acts as an intercellular mediator of the immune response and transmits growth, differentiation, and behavioral… … Dictionary of microbiology
lymphokine — Lackie Substance produced by a leucocyte that acts upon another cell. Examples are interleukins, interferon g, lymphotoxin (tumour necrosis factor b ), granulocyte monocyte colony stimulating factor (GM CSF). The term is becoming less common and… … Dictionary of molecular biology