Roman (name)

Roman (name)

Roman is a name.

Meaning and origin of the name

Roman is a male first name. It has distant origins dating back to the Roman Empire and Latin.Indeed, he comes from the latin "romanus", which means capita Rome"or"of Rome. In this initial sense, the title" 'Romain"' ultimately mean "citizen" of the Roman Empire, a man of culture Roman (or Byzantine), Latin or Greek. The festival takes place on February 28.

The name owes its success in Gaul and then in France, Saint Roman Condat, abbot in the Jura (department).


* French: Romain
* German: Roman
* English: Roman
* Spanish: Romanos
* Hungarian Román
* Italian: Romano
* Polish: Roman
* Russian: Роман
* Slovak: Roman
* Slovenian: Roman
* Swedish: Roman
* Czech: Roman
* Ukrainian: Роман (Roman)

Popularity of the name

We now know that the name Romain is one of the most used in France. fact|date=September 2008

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