- Hystricognathi
name = Hystricognaths
fossil_range = LateEocene - Recent
image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Capromys pilorides "
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Mammal ia
ordo =Rodent ia
subordo =Hystricomorpha
infraordo = Hystricognathi
infraordo_authority = Tullberg, 1899
subdivision_ranks = Families
subdivision =Hystricidae
†Bathyergoididae Bathyergidae
†Kenyamyidae Petromuridae Thryonomyidae Erethizontidae Chinchillidae
†Neoepiblemidae Dinomyidae
†Eocardiidae Caviidae Dasyproctidae Cuniculidae Ctenomyidae Octodontidae Abrocomidae Echimyidae Myocastoridae Capromyidae
†Heptaxodontidae Anatomy
Hystricognathi is an
infraorder ofrodent s. Hystricognaths are distinguished from other rodents by thebone structure of theirskull s. The masseter medialis (a jaw muscle) passes partially through theinfraorbital foramen and connects to the bone on the opposite side. This, together with their lack of aninfraorbital plate and the relative size of theinfraorbital foramen , distinguishes hystricognaths from other rodent groups.There are 18 families within the Hystricognathi, divided into two
infraorder s, thePhiomorpha and theCaviomorpha . The Caviomorpha are mostly native toSouth America , with a few species inNorth America , while the Phiomorpha occur in theOld World .Behavior
Play behavior has been observed in seven hystricognath families. The caviomorphs chase each other, play-wrestle, and gallop. The longer-legged species chase more often than the shorter-legged species. They also rotate their heads and body muscles as a form of play (Fagen 1981).
Phiomorphan hystricognath familiæ
*Thryonomyidae Caviomorphan hystricognath familiæ
*Octodontidae External links
Fagen, Robert. "Animal Play Behavior". Oxford University Press, 1981.
ee also
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