

Surma may refer to:

* Surma (Finnish mythology) — a beast which guards the gates of the Underworld;
* Surma people — a pastoralist ethnic group in western Ethiopia;
* Kohl (cosmetics) — another name for the eyelash dye and eye cosmetic;
* Surma River — a river in Sylhet, Bangladesh
* Сърма — the Bulgarian name for "dolma"
* Surma, Nepal
* Surma, Tripura - an assembly constituency under Tripura East (Lok Sabha constituency), India


* Damian Surma (1981- ), Canadian ice hockey player;
* John P. Surma (1954- ), American businessman;
* Franciszek Surma (1916-1941), Polish pilot in World War II;
* Lukasz Surma (1977- ), Polish footballer;


* Surma Ltd — Naval Survivability Assessment Applications

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