- D.C. Thomson publications
This is an article about the comics published by
D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd since its founding in 1905.Children's Comics
The Beano
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The Beano "Arguably the best known comic in Britain. Started in 1938, and still going. The Beano celebrated its 70th birthday by making2 August 2008 Gnashional Menace Day.Features well known characters such as Dennis the Menace, Minnie the Minx, the Bash Street Kids, Roger the Dodger and Lord Snooty.BeanoMAX
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BeanoMAX "The Beano's "Big Brother", with a slightly higher aged target audience, aiming towards early teens. Started in 2007, and still going.Features Beano characters such as Dennis and the Bash Street Kids, alongside others such as Max,Wallace and Gromit , and the Neds.The Beezer
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Beezer "Launched after the success of the Topper, and became more successful than it. Started in 1956, and finished in 1990, before merging with the Topper to make an "new" comic, starting again from issue 1, finishing in 1993.. In its run, it merged with 3 comics - Cracker, Plug and the Topper.Featured characters such as the Banana Bunch, Ginger and Pop, Dick & Harry.Buzz
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Buzz (comic) "A not so well known comic from the early 1970s. It began in 1973, and finished on its first birthday, before merging into the Topper.Featured characters such as the Buzzies and Fuzzies, Fred the Flop and Nobby.Classics from the Comics
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Classics from the Comics "A monthly comic which reprints strips from the Beano, Dandy, Beezer, Topper, Nutty, Buzz, Cracker, Sparky, and now Victor. Began in 1996 and still running.Features a range of strips from these publications which have included Dennis the Menace, Desperate Dan and Tough of the Track.Cracker
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Cracker (comic) "The Dandy
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The Dandy andDandy Xtreme "Hoot!
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Hoot (comics) "The Magic Comic
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The Magic Comic "Nutty
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Nutty (comic) "Plug
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Plug (comic) "parky
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Sparky (comics) "The Topper
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Topper (comics) "Fun Size Comics
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Fun Size Comics "Boys' Comics and Storypapers
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Bullet (comic) "Commando
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Commando Comics "tarblazer
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Starblazer "The Victor
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The Victor (comics) "Warlord
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Warlord (British comics) "The Wizard (storypaper)
Wizard (comic)
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