- Ulnar artery
Infobox Artery
Latin = A. Ulnaris
GraySubject = 152
GrayPage = 595
Caption = Palm of left hand, showing position of skin creases and bones, and surface markings for the volar arches.
Caption2 = Front of right upper extremity, showing surface markings for bones, arteries, and nerves.
BranchFrom =brachial artery
BranchTo =anterior ulnar recurrent artery
posterior ulnar recurrent artery
common interosseous artery (volar, dorsal)
muscular artery
volar carpal
dorsal carpal
deep volar
superficial volar arch
Vein =ulnar vein
Supplies =
MeshName = Ulnar+Artery
MeshNumber = A07.231.114.920
The ulnar artery is the mainblood vessel , with oxygenatedblood , of themedial aspect of theforearm . It arises from thebrachial artery and terminates in the superficial palmar arch, which joins with the superficial branch of theradial artery . It is palpable on the anterior and medial aspect of thewrist .Along its course, it is accompanied by a similarly named
vein or veins, theulnar vein or ulnar veins.The ulnar artery, the larger of the two terminal branches of the brachial, begins a little below the bend of the elbow in the
cubital fossa , and, passing obliquely downward, reaches the ulnar side of the forearm at a point about midway between the elbow and the wrist. It then runs along the ulnar border to the wrist, crosses the transverse carpal ligament on the radial side of thepisiform bone , and immediately beyond this bone divides into two branches, which enter into the formation of the superficial and deepvolar arches .Relations
In its upper half, it is deeply seated, being covered by the
Pronator teres ,Flexor carpi radialis ,Palmaris longus , andFlexor digitorum sublimis ; it lies upon theBrachialis andFlexor digitorum profundus .The
median nerve is in relation with the medial side of the artery for about 2.5 cm. and then crosses the vessel, being separated from it by the ulnar head of thePronator teres .In the lower half of the forearm it lies upon the
Flexor digitorum profundus , being covered by the integument and the superficial and deep fasciæ, and placed between theFlexor carpi ulnaris andFlexor digitorum sublimis .It is accompanied by two
venæ comitantes , and is overlapped in its middle third by theFlexor carpi ulnaris ; theulnar nerve lies on the medial side of the lower two-thirds of the artery, and the palmar cutaneous branch of the nerve descends on the lower part of the vessel to the palm of the hand.Wrist
At the wrist the ulnar artery is covered by the integument and the
volar carpal ligament , and lies upon thetransverse carpal ligament . On its medial side is thepisiform bone , and, somewhat behind the artery, theulnar nerve Peculiarities
The ulnar artery varies in its origin in the proportion of about one in thirteen cases; it may arise about 5 to 7 cm. below the elbow, but more frequently higher, the brachial being more often the source of origin than the axillary.
Variations in the position of this vessel are more common than in the radial. When its origin is normal, the course of the vessel is rarely changed.
When it arises high up, it is almost invariably superficial to the Flexor muscles in the forearm, lying commonly beneath the fascia, more rarely between the fascia and integument.
In a few cases, its position was subcutaneous in the upper part of the forearm, and subaponeurotic in the lower part.
ee also
Allen test
=AdditionalExternal links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.