Basket (disambiguation) — Basket may refer to: *Basket, a container with an open top. *Baskets, the two back seats facing one another on the outside of a stagecoach. *Basket (finance), an economic term for a collection of securities aggregated into a single product to… … Wikipedia
basket of currencies — ˌbasket of ˈcurrencies noun baskets of currencies PLURALFORM [countable usually singular] FINANCE a group of currencies against which the value of another currency is measured: • The yen s exchange rate against a basket of currencies has fallen… … Financial and business terms
basket — USA This term has a number of meanings. In the context of: • Finance, business jargon used to refer to a maximum dollar amount for a specific exception to a covenant restriction in a financing agreement. For example, a loan agreement may limit… … Law dictionary
basket case — ˈbasket ˌcase noun [countable usually singular] JOURNALISM ECONOMICS a company, country, or economy that is doing so badly and has so many problems that it is likely to fail completely: • By any standard, the area is an economic basket case. * *… … Financial and business terms
basket — [bas′kit, bäs′kit] n. [ME < ?] 1. a container made of interwoven cane, rushes, strips of wood, etc. and often having a handle or handles 2. the amount that a basket will hold 3. anything like a basket in shape or use 4. the structure hung from … English World dictionary
basket — /ˈbaskət / (say bahskuht) noun 1. a receptacle made of twigs, rushes, thin strips of wood, or other flexible material, woven together. 2. a container made of pieces of thin veneer, used for packing berries, vegetables, etc.; punnet. 3. the… …
basket — noun 1》 a container used to hold or carry things, made from interwoven strips of cane or wire. 2》 Basketball a net fixed on a hoop used as the goal. ↘a goal scored. 3》 Finance a group or range of currencies or investments. Derivatives… … English new terms dictionary
Currency basket — A currency basket is a portfolio of selected currencies with different weightings. A currency basket is commonly used to minimize the risk of currency fluctuations.[1] An example of a currency basket is the European Currency Unit that was used by … Wikipedia
Diversification (finance) — Finance Financial markets Bond market … Wikipedia
List of finance topics — Topics in finance include:Fundamental financial concepts* Finance an overview ** Arbitrage ** Capital (economics) ** Capital asset pricing model ** Cash flow ** Cash flow matching ** Debt *** Default *** Consumer debt *** Debt consolidation ***… … Wikipedia