Germanium(IV) sulfide

Germanium(IV) sulfide

chembox new
ImageFile =
ImageSize =
SystematicName =
OtherNames = Germanium disulfide
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
Abbreviations =
CASNo = 12025-34-2
PubChem =
InChI =
MeSHName =
ATCCode_prefix =
ATCCode_suffix =
ATC_Supplemental =

Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = GeS2
MolarMass = g/mol
Appearance = white solide
Density = 2.94
MeltingPt = about 800°C
Melting_notes =
BoilingPt =
Boiling_notes =
Solubility =
SolubleOther =
Solvent =
LogP =
VaporPressure =
HenryConstant =
AtmosphericOHRateConstant =
pKa =
pKb =

Section3 = Chembox Structure
CrystalStruct = monoclinic
Coordination =
MolShape =

Section4 = Chembox Thermochemistry
DeltaHf =
DeltaHc =
Entropy =
HeatCapacity =

Section5 = Chembox Pharmacology
AdminRoutes =
Bioavail =
Metabolism =
HalfLife =
ProteinBound =
Excretion =
Legal_status =
Legal_US =
Legal_UK =
Legal_AU =
Legal_CA =
PregCat =
PregCat_AU =
PregCat_US =

Section6 = Chembox Explosive
ShockSens =
FrictionSens =
ExplosiveV =
REFactor =

Section7 = Chembox Hazards
EUClass =
EUIndex =
MainHazards =
RPhrases =
SPhrases =
RSPhrases =
FlashPt =
Autoignition =
ExploLimits =
LD50 =

Section8 = Chembox Related
OtherAnions = germanium dioxide
OtherCations = carbon disulfide silicon sulfide tin(IV) sulfide lead(IV) sulfide
OtherFunctn =
Function =
OtherCpds =

Germanium(IV) sulfide refers to the chemical compound with the formula GeS2. Germanium(IV) sulfide is a colourles white crystalline material, which melts at roughly 800°C. [cite journal | author =Otto H. Johnson | title = Germanium and its Inorganic Compounds | journal = Chem. Rev. | year = 1952 | volume= 3| pages=431 – 431 | doi = 10.1021/cr60160a002]


Germanium sulfide was the first germanium compound found by Clemens Winkler during the analysis of argyrodite.The fact that germanium sulfide is not soluble in acidic water made it possible for Winkler to isolate the new element from the other elements.cite journal | author = Clemens Winkler | title = Mittheilungen über das Germanium | journal = J. Prak. Chemie | volume= 34 | year = 1886 | pages=177–229 | doi = 10.1002/prac.18860340122 | url = ]



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