- John Snead
John Snead is a freelance role-playing writer who lives in Portland, Oregon. He has been gaming since 1980 and became a full time designer and writer of role-playing games in 1998. His education includes majors in
Mathematics andHistory and minors inClassics andPhysics fromWashington University as well as a M.A. inCultural Anthropology from theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison .He came up with the initial idea and setting for and wrote a significant portion of
Blue Rose (role-playing game) , and has written large amounts ofExalted ,Trinity (Aeon) and , as well as work on many other games.External links
* [http://www.johnsnead.chaosbutterfly.net/ John Snead - Game Writer Website]
* [http://www.pen-paper.net/rpgdb.php?op=showcreator&creatorid=174 Publication list on Pen & Paper]
* [http://bluerose.greenronin.com/blue_rose_devlog_entry.php?id=54_0_15_0 Blue Rose Visions: A Developer's Journal]
* [http://www.rpg.net/reviews/search-review.phtml?productAuthor=John%20Snead Index of reviews of role-playing games written by John Snead]rpg-bio-stub|Snead, John
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