Taeguk (Taekwondo)

Taeguk (Taekwondo)

Taeguk (in World Taekwondo Federation, or WTF, Taekwondo) refers to a set of pumsae used to create a foundation for the teaching of Taekwondo. A pumsae, or form, is represented by 形 or 型 and is a detailed pattern of defense-and-attack motions and techniques used in traditional martial arts. The word Taeguk (the Korean pronunciation of Taiji/T'ai Chi) refers to the important principle in east Asian Taoist thought of the union of yin and yang.

All students studying in WTF Kukkiwon style must learn these forms, or Taeguks, to advance to a higher belt level. There are eight Taeguks, each one similar to the previous one, but each time with more complicated techniques to display the students' mastery of the techniques learned during lessons as well as the ability to interconnect these techniques.

Each Taeguk symbolizes a specific state thought to be indicative of the belt the student currently holds before gaining a new belt, and is represented in WTF Taekwondo by trigrams similar to those found in the four corners of the South Korean flag.

In order to receive a Black Belt, the student must perform all Taeguks consecutively.

Each Dan (degree of Black Belt) also has its own associated form, required for belt testing. The first degree form for the WTF is called Koryo.

The "Palgwe" forms are a slightly older, somewhat similar supplemental group of WTF "pumse". There are eight "Palgwe" forms that also represent eight trigrams from I-Ching.

The International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) has its own sequence of "pumse". They are named after figures from Korean history and are less formulaic than the WTF's Taeguk and "Palgwe" "pumse". The first nine, which are required for 1st degree black belt, are named after significant Korean historical figures or concepts: "Chonji, Dangun, Dosan, Wonhyo, Yulgok, Junggon, Toegye, Hwarang," and "Chungmu".

Various schools sometimes insert one of a variety of other forms before Taeguk "Il-jang"

Taeguks by Belt Level

Many schools require that form practice begins with a bow to the flag and/or instructor, however the motions of the forms themselves do not require the bow, nor is it necessary in personal practice.

Eighth Gup

(Taegeuk "Il-jang")
*Turn 90° to the left into a walking stance with left foot forward; left low block
*Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward; right hand middle punch
*Turn 180° over your right shoulder into a walking stance with right foot forward; right low block
*Step forward into walking stance with left foot forward; left hand middle punch
*Turn 90° to the left into a front stance with left foot forward; left low block; right middle punch
*Turn 90° to the right into a walking stance with right foot forward; left inside block
*Step forward into walking stance with left foot forward; right hand middle punch
*Turn 180° over your left shoulder into a walking stance with left foot forward; right inside block
*Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward; left hand middle punch
*Turn 90° to the right into a front stance with right foot forward; right low block; left middle punch
*Turn 90° to the left into a walking stance with left foot forward; left high block
*Right front kick, foot placed down into walking stance with right foot forward; right middle punch
*Turn 180° over your right shoulder into a walking stance with right foot forward; right high block
*Left front kick, foot placed down into walking stance with left foot forward; left middle punch
*Turn 90° to the right into a front stance with left foot forward; left low block
*Step forward into a front stance with right foot forward; right middle punch; kihap"'

eventh Gup

(Taegeuk "Ee-jang")
*Turn 90 degrees to the left into a walking stance with left foot forward; left arm low block
*Step forward into front stance with right foot forward; right arm middle punch
*Turn 180 degrees to the right into walking stance with right foot forward; right arm low block
*Step forward into front stance with left foot forward; left arm middle punch
*Turn 90 degrees to the left into walking stance with left foot forward; right arm middle block
*Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward; left arm middle block
*Turn 90 degrees to the left into walking stance with left foot forward; left arm low block
*Right foot front snap kick, landing in front stance with right foot forward; right arm high punch
*Turn 180 degrees to the right into walking stance with right foot forward; right arm low block
*Left foot front snap kick, landing in front stance with left foot forward; left arm high punch
*Turn 90 degrees to the left into walking stance with left foot forward; left arm rising block
*Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward; right arm rising block
*Turn 270 degrees to the left into walking stance with left foot forward; right arm middle block
*Turn 180 degrees to the right into walking stance with right foot forward; left arm middle block
*Turn 90 degrees to the left into walking stance with left foot forward; left arm low block
*Right foot front snap kick, landing in walking stance with right foot forward; right arm middle punch
*Left foot front snap kick, landing in walking stance with left foot forward; left arm middle punch
*Right foot front snap kick, landing in walking stance with right foot forward; right arm middle punch; kiap

ixth Gup

(Taegeuk "Sam-Jang")
*Turn to left hand side of flag/instructor, left Low Block
*Right side Front Kick, right punch, left punch
*Turn behind flag to right hand side of flag/instructor, right Low Block
*Left side Front Kick,left punch, right punch
*Turn to flag/instructor, right hand Knife Hand Neck Strike
*Left hand Knife Hand Neck Strike
*Turn to left hand side of flag/instructor, left hand Guarding Block in Back Stance
*Right punch in Front Stance
*Turn to right hand side of flag/instructor, right hand Guarding Block in Back Stance
*Left punch in Front Stance
*Turn to flag/instructor, right hand Inside Middle Block
*left hand Inside Middle Block
*270 degree turn to right hand side of flag/instructor, left Low Block
*Right side Front Kick, right punch, left punch
*Turn to left hand side of flag/instructor, right Low Block
*Left side Front Kick,left punch, right punch
*Turn away from flag/instructor, left Low Block, reverse (right) punch
*Right Low Block, reverse (left) punch
*Left Front Kick, left Low Block, reverse (right) punch
*Right Front Kick, right Low Block, reverse (left) punch, kihap with punch
*Turn to flag/instructor, using right foot as a pivot.
*Stand at attention

Fifth Gup

(Taegeuk "Saa-jang")
*Left Back Stance, Middle Guarding Knife Hand Block/Double Knife Hand Block
*Right Front Stance, Middle Spear Finger Strike
*Right Back Stance, Middle Guarding Knife Hand Block/Double Knife Hand Block
*Left Front Stance, Middle Spear Finger Strike
*90 degree turn Left into Left Front Stance, Swallow Knife Hand Strike (right hand striking, left hand blocking)
*Right Front Kick, into Right Front Stance, Left hand punch
*Left Sidekick, into Left Back Stance, Right Sidekick, into Right Back Stance, Middle Guarding Knife Hand Block
*270 degree turn into Right Back Stance, Backfist Forearm Block
*Right Foot Front Kick to the Left, back to Right Back Stance and Right hand Out-In Middle/Forearm Block
*Stance shift to Left Back Stance, Backfist Forearm Block
*Left Foot Front Kick to the Right, back to Left Back Stance and Left hand Out-In Middle/Forearm Block
*90 degrees Left into Left Front Stance, Swallow Knife Hand Strike (Left Blocking and Right Striking)
*Right Foot Front Kick into Right Back Stance, Right hand Backfist Strike
*90 degrees Left into Left Walking Stance, Left hand Out-In Forearm Block, Reverse punch
*180 degrees Right into Right Walking Stance, Right hand Out-In Forearm Block, Reverse punch
*90 degrees Left into Left Front Stance, Left hand Out-In Middle/Forearm Block, Reverse punch, punch
*Right Front Stance, Right hand Out-In Middle/Forearm Block, Reverse punch, punch; Kihap

Fourth Gup

(Taegeuk "O-jang")
*Turn Left into Left Front Stance, Left hand Low Block
*Left foot comes back next to the right foot, Left hand Hammer Fist downwards
*Turn Right into Right Front Stance, Right Hand Low Block
*Right foot comes back next to the left foot, Right hand Hammer Fist downwards
*Advance forward into Left Front Stance, Left hand Out-In Forearm Block, Right hand Out-In Forearm Block
*Right foot Front Snap Kick into Right Front Stance, Right hand Backfist, Left hand Out-In Forearm Block
*Left foot Front Snap Kick into Left Front Stance, Left hand Backfist, Right hand Out-In Forearm Block
*Advance Right foot forward into Right Front Stance, Right hand Back Fist
*Left foot 90 degrees to the right into Left Back Stance, Middle Guarding Knife Hand Block
*Right Front Stance, Right hand precision Elbow Strike
*Right Back Stance, Middle Guarding Knife Hand Block
*Left Front Stance, Left hand precision Elbow Strike
*90 degrees Left into Left Front Stance, Left hand Low Block, Right hand Out-In Forearm Block
*Right foot Front Snap Kick into Right Front Stance, Right hand Low Block, Left hand Out-In Forearm Block
*90 degrees Left into Left Front Stance, Left hand High Block
*Right foot Sidekick and Right hand punch together into Right Front Stance, Left hand Elbow Strike targeting Right hand
*180 degrees into Right Front Stance, Right hand High Block
*Left foot Sidekick and Left hand punch together into Left Front Stance, Right hand Elbow Strike targeting Left hand
*90 degrees Left into Left Front Stance, Left hand Low Block, Right hand Out-In Forearm Block
*Right foot Front Snap Kick jump, land in an X-Stance while executing Rolling Backfist Right foot planted Left foot on ball of foot; Kihap.
*straighten right leg in front of you and spin 270 degreese
*Turn to flag/instructor, using right foot as a pivot.
*Stand at attention (Barro)

Third Gup

(Taegeuk "Yuk-jang")

*From Junbi Stance
*Turn 90 degrees left into Left Front Stance, Left hand Low Block
*Right Leg Front kick
*place kicking leg behind the left foot into a Back Stance while at the same time do a Left In-out Forearm Block.
*Turn 180 degrees to the right into left Right Front Stance, Right hand Low Block
*Left Leg Front Kick
*place kicking leg behind the right foot into a Back Stance while at the same time do a Right In-out Forearm Block.
*Turn 90 degrees to the left into a Left Front Stance, Right hand Middle Chop Block
*Right Leg Roundhouse Kick (Some Schools Kiap), and drop into Horse Stance facing 90 degrees left
*Step into a Left Font Stance, left In-out Forearm Block, Right hand Middle Punch
*Right leg Front Kick stepping into right Front Stance, left middle punch
*Turn 180 degrees right into right Front Stance, Right hand In-out Forearm Block, left hand middle punch
*Left Leg Front Kick stepping into Left Front Stance, Right hand Punch
*Turn 90 degrees left into a Ready Stance, bring both hands crossed over the head and do a slow Double Low Block
*Step into Right Front Stance, Left hand Middle Chop Block
*Left Leg Round House Kick (Kihap), and drop then spin 270 degrees right
*Right Front Stance, Right hand Low Block
*Left Leg Front Kick
*place kicking leg behind the right foot into a Back Stance while at the same time do a Right In-out Forearm Block.
*Turn 180 degrees to the left into left Left Front Stance, Left hand Low Block
*Right Leg Front kick
*place kicking leg behind the left foot into a Back Stance while at the same time do a left in-out forearm block.
*Taking right foot, step 90 degrees to the right into a Left Leg Front Back Stance (facing same direction as when starting form), Right double knife hand Block
*Stepping back into Right Leg front Back Stance, Left double knife hand block
*Stepping back into Left Front Stance, Left low Palm Block, Right hand Middle Punch
*Stepping back into Right Front Stance, Right low Palm Block, Left hand Middle Punch
*Move Right Leg back to return to Junbi Stance

econd Gup

(Taegeuk "Chil-jang")
*Turn left 90° into left foot forward tiger stance with right hand palm block across.
*Right foot front snap kick stepping down behind in left foot forward tiger stance with left hand outside-in forearm block.
*Turn right 180° into right foot forward tiger stance with left hand palm block across.
*Left foot front snap kick stepping down behind in right foot forward tiger stance with right hand outside-in forearm block.
*Turn left 90° into left foot forward back stance with double knife-hand down block.
*Step forward into right foot forward back stance with double knife-hand down block.
*Turn left 90° into left foot forward tiger stance with a right hand palm block across supported by left fist under the right elbow. Follow with a right hand back fist, still supported by left fist under elbow.
*Turn right 180° into right foot forward tiger stance with a left hand palm block across supported by right fist under the left elbow. Follow with a left hand back fist, still supported by right fist under elbow.
*Pivot on right foot counterclockwise 90° bringing left foot next to the right. At the level of your heart, close to chest, place right fist into left palm. The left thumb and forefinger should encircle the thumb and forefinger of the fist of the right hand. Slowly, with tension, push both hands forward while exhaling for a 5-count.
*Step forward into left foot forward front stance with simultaneous inside-middle (left) and low (right) blocks. Repeat simultaneous blocks with opposite hands (inside-middle right and low left).
*Step forward into right foot forward front stance, rotating arms outward and returning to simultaneous inside-middle (right) and low (left) blocks. Repeat simultaneous blocks with opposite hands (inside-middle left and low right).
*Pivot on right foot counterclockwise 90° (cross arms on chest) into left foot forward front stance with twin outer-forearm block.
*As if hands from previous technique had grabbed opponent's head, execute right knee strike while pulling both arms down. Step down in front bringing the left foot up behind into an X stance with a double upper cut to the body.
*Step back into right leg forward front stance with low X block.
*Pivot on left foot clockwise 180° into right foot forward front stance with twin outer-forearm block.
*As if hands from previous technique had grabbed opponent's head, execute left knee strike while pulling both arms down. Step down in front bringing the right foot up behind into an X stance with a double upper cut to the body.
*Step back into left leg forward front stance with low X block.
*Step back and turn left 90° into left leg forward walking stance with left hand back fist.
*Execute a right foot crescent kick striking the palm of the left hand stepping down in front into a horse stance facing left with a right elbow strike across striking the palm of the left hand.
*Step up with the left foot into a right foot forward walking stance with right hand back fist.
*Execute a left foot crescent kick striking the palm of the right hand stepping down in front into a horse stance facing right with a left elbow strike across striking the palm of the right hand. Followed by a left hand single knife-hand block.
*Step forward into a right foot forward horse stance with a right hand lunge punch and Kihap.
*Move Left foot to right foot to return to ready stance.

First Gup

(Taegeuk "Pal-jang")
*Step forward with left foot into back stance with a double outside forearm block.
*Shift front (left) foot into left foot forward front stance with reverse (right) middle punch.
*Jump front kick left leg (Ki-Hap) landing left foot forward front stance with left outside-inside block, followed by reverse (right) middle punch then left middle punch.
*Step forward into right foot forward front stance with right hand middle punch.
*Pivot on right foot counterclockwise 90° into a rear facing front stance (right leg is bent, and you are facing your left leg) with a right hand single mountain block and left hand down block.
*Pivot on both feet into a forward facing front stance and pull left fist into right shoulder while executing a right hand upper cut.
*Left foot step back behind right foot and turn right 180° then step out with right foot into rear facing front stance (left leg bent and you are facing right leg) with a left hand single mountain block and right hand down block.
*Pivot on both feet into a forward facing front stance and pull right fist into left shoulder while executing a left hand upper cut.
*Pivot on left foot counterclockwise 90° into a left foot forward back stance with double knife-hand middle block.
*Shift front (left) foot into front stance, reverse (right) middle punch.
*Right leg front snap kick stepping back down in original stance, then step back into right leg forward tiger stance with a right hand palm block down.
*Turn 90° left into a left foot forward tiger stance with a left hand double-knifehand block.
*From the same stance execute a left leg front snap kick stepping down into a left foot forward front stance (right foot remains planted) with a reverse (right) middle punch.
*Step back into a left foot forward tiger stance (right foot still planted) with a left hand palm block across.
*Turn right 180° into right foot forward tiger stance, right hand double-knifehand block.
*From the same stance execute a right leg front snap kick then step into a right foot forward front stance (left foot remains planted) with a reverse (left) middle punch.
*Step back into a right foot forward tiger stance (left foot still planted) with a right hand palm block across.
*Turn 90° right into a back stance with a double down block (right hand low in front, left hand over solar-plexus).
*Jump forward into jumping double front snap kick, left leg low, right leg high and KiHap. Land right foot forward in a front stance followed by a right hand outside-inside block, reverse (left) middle punch then right middle punch.
*Pivot on front right foot counterclockwise 90° into left foot forward back stance with a left hand single knifehand block.
*Shift front foot into left foot forward front stance with a right elbow strike across, then right hand backfist strike, then left hand middle punch.
*Turn right 180° into right foot forward back stance with a right hand single knifehand block.
*Shift front foot into right foot forward front stance with a left elbow strike across, then left hand backfist strike, then right hand middle punch.

=First Dan Black Belt =

*Bring both hands, open, to slightly above head level, palms forward. This is a "look to heaven"
*Turn 90 degrees counterclockwise, dual middle knifehand blocks in left back stance
*Step forward, right low side kick, followed by right high side kick without dropping leg
*Right high knifehand strike (palm down) in right front stance
*Left hand middle reverse punch
*Move left foot, right inward middle forearm block in right back stance
*Turn 180 degrees clockwise, dual middle knifehand blocks in right back stance
*Step forward, left low side kick, followed by left high side kick without dropping leg
*Left high knifehand strike (palm down) in left front stance
*Right hand middle reverse punch
*Move right foot, left inward middle forearm block in left back stance
*Turn 90 degrees counterclockwise, left low knifehand/forearm block in left front stance
*Right hand reverse open hand thrust (done with the inner edge of the hand between thumb and first finger, and done as a strike to the throat)
*Step forward, right front kick, on landing right low knifehand/forearm block in right front stance
*Left reverse open hand thrust (as above)
*Step forward, left front kick, then left low knifehand/forearm block in left front stance
*Right reverse open hand thrust (as above).Yell! (Ki-Hap)
*Step forward, right front kick, on landing knee break (grab opponent's heel with the right hand at belt level. Then pull that hand into your chest while, at the same time, pushing downward on the attacker's knee with the left hand) in right front stance
*Turn 180 degrees clockwise, middle forearm spreading blocks in right front stance
*Step forward, left front kick, on landing knee break (as above) in left front stance. Then middle forearm spreading blocks in same stance
*Pivot on left foot, turn 90 degrees clockwise, withdrawing the right foot behind you into left horse stance, left outward knifehand block, right fist at belt
*Remain in horse stance, right middle hook punch (draw it across body into the palm of the left open hand)
*Move forward, cross the right foot over the left foot, chamber both fists to the right hip, left high side kick, drop the left foot in front, then rotate
*Turn 180 degrees clockwise, left low reverse spear thrust (right fist at left shoulder to block) in right front stance
*Remain in stance, pull slightly back, right low forearm block
*Move forward, left middle inward palm block in left front stance
*Move forward, right elbow strike (supporting right fist in left palm) in right horse stance
*Remain in stance, right middle knifehand block (left fist chambered at belt)
*Left middle hook punch (as above)
*Move forward, cross left foot over right foot, chamber both fists to the left hip, right high side kick, drop the right foot in front, then rotate
*Turn 180 degrees counterclockwise, right low reverse spear thrust (as above) in left front stance
*Remain in stance, pull slightly back, left low forearm block
*Move forward, right middle inward palm block in right front stance
*Move forward, left elbow strike (supporting left fist in right palm) in left horse stance
*Slide your left foot inward and adjacent to the right foot... Raise both hands (open) above your head in an arcing motion then, bring them down into a left low hammerfist strike (into the right palm) (Slowly & exhaling!)
*Pivot on the right foot turn 180 degrees counterclockwise, left outward knifehand strike (to attacker's neck) in left front stance
*Remain in stance, left low knifehand/forearm block
*Move forward, right inward knifehand strike (head/neck level) in right front stance
*Remain in stance, right low knifehand/forearm block
*Move forward, left inward knifehand strike (head/neck level) in left front stance
*Remain in stance, left low knifehand/forearm block
*Move forward, right open hand thrust (to attacker's throat). Kihap

=Second Dan Black Belt =

* Step forward double low wedging block.
* Step high palm strike.
* Step high palm strike.
* Step high palm strike.
* Step back inward knife-hand chop.
* Step back inward knife-hand chop.
* Step back inward knife-hand chop.
* Turn -90°, then in bending stance, slow diamond block.
* Step into horse-riding stance hook punch.
* Step around 360°, into horse-riding stance hook punch.
* Turn out to horse-riding stance 'W' block, stamp & kihup.
* Turn in 180° double wedging block.
* Feet together, slow double lower body block.
* Turn out to horse-riding stance 'W' block, stamp.
* Turn 90°, then in bending stance, slow diamond block.
* Step into horse-riding stance hook punch.
* Step around 360°, into horse-riding stance hook punch.
* Bending stance, slow diamond block.
* Step into horse-riding stance hook punch.
* Step around 360°, into horse-riding stance hook punch.
* Turn out to horse-riding stance 'W' block, stamp & kihup.
* Turn in 180° double wedging block.
* Feet together, slow double lower body block.
* Turn out to horse-riding stance 'W' block, stamp.
* Turn 90°, then in bending stance, slow diamond block.
* Step into horse-riding stance hook punch.
* Step around 360°, into horse-riding stance hook punch.

=Third Dan Black Belt =


=Fourth Dan Black Belt =


=Fifth Dan Black Belt =


=Sixth Dan Black Belt =


External links

* [http://www.natkd.com/taeguek.htm List of Taegeuk forms(Movies)]
* [http://www.usblackbelt.com/taegeuk.htm Pictures of Taegeuk forms]
* [http://tkd.tomcatuk.net/ Taegeuk forms in 3D]
* [http://www.mntaekwondocenter.com/resources/philos-of-form.html Philosophy of the Taeguk forms]
* [http://www.walkerstkd.com/taeguk.htm Philosophy behind Taeguk and Palgwe forms]

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