Precious Blood

Precious Blood

The Precious Blood is another term for the Blood of Christ. The ancient Christian churches (Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Roman Catholic) believe that in the Eucharist, the faithful receive Jesus' blood under the "species" of wine.


In the Early Church, the Faithful received the Eucharist in the form of consecrated bread and wine. Saint Maximus explains that in the Old Law the flesh of the sacrificial victim was shared with the people, but the blood of the sacrifice was merely poured out on the altar. Under the New Law, however, Jesus' blood was the drink shared by all of Christ's Faithful.

The tradition continued in the Eastern Church to comingle the species of bread and wine, whereas in the Western Church the practice of communion under the species of bread and wine separately was the custom, with only a small fraction of bread placed in the chalice. In the Western Church, the communion at the chalice was made less and less efficient, as the dangers of the spread of disease and danger of spillage were considered enough of a reason to remove the chalice from common communion altogether (or giving it on only special occasions). The Protestant controversy turned this into one of its main issues. As a consequence, the Roman Catholic Church first wanted to eliminate ambiguity, declaring that Christ was present both as body and as blood equally under both species of bread and wine. As time went on, the chalice was made more available to the laity. After the Second Vatican Council, the Roman Catholic Church gave a full permission for all to receive communion from the chalice at every Mass involving a congregation.


Roman Catholic

The Roman Catholic Church teaches that the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus are contained in both consecrated bread and wine. But they remain as distinct Mysteries, mystically united.

The devotion to the Precious Blood was an especial phenomenon of Flemish piety in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, that gave rise to the iconic image of Grace as the "Fountain of Life," filled with blood, pouring from the wounded "Lamb of God" or the "Holy Wounds" of Christ. The image, which was the subject of numerous Flemish paintings was in part spurred by the renowned relic of the Precious Blood, which had been noted in Bruges since the twelfth century [Evelyn Underhill, "The Fountain of Life: An Iconographical Study," The Burlington Magazine "17".86 (May 1910, pp. 99-101) p.100.] and which gave rise, from the late thirteenth century, to the observances, particular to Bruges, of the procession of the "Saint Sang" from its chapel. [The first historian of the "Saint Sang" was the Abbé Carton, "Essai sur l'histoire du Saint Sang," Bruges, 1857. (noted Underhill 1910:100 note).]

Litany of the Most Precious Blood

The following litany is a part of Roman Catholic devotion to the Precious Blood:

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God, the Father of Heaven, "have mercy on us."
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, "have mercy on us."
God, the Holy Ghost, "have mercy on us."
Holy Trinity, One God, "have mercy on us."

Blood of Christ, only-begotten Son of the Eternal Father, "save us."
Blood of Christ, Incarnate Word of God, "save us."
Blood of Christ, of the New and Eternal Testament, "save us."
Blood of Christ, falling upon the earth in the Agony, save us.
Blood of Christ, shed profusely in the Scourging, "save us."
Blood of Christ, flowing forth in the Crowning with Thorns, "save us."
Blood of Christ, poured out on the Cross, "save us."
Blood of Christ, price of our salvation, "save us."
Blood of Christ, without which there is no forgiveness, "save us."
Blood of Christ, Eucharistic drink and refreshment of souls, "save us."
Blood of Christ, stream of mercy, "save us."
Blood of Christ, victor over demons, "save us."
Blood of Christ, courage of Martyrs, "save us."
Blood of Christ, strength of Confessors, "save us."
Blood of Christ, bringing forth Virgins, "save us."
Blood of Christ, help of those in peril, "save us."
Blood of Christ, relief of the burdened, "save us."
Blood of Christ, solace in sorrow, "save us."
Blood of Christ, hope of the penitent, "save us."
Blood of Christ, consolation of the dying, "save us."
Blood of Christ, peace and tenderness of hearts, "save us."
Blood of Christ, pledge of eternal life, "save us."
Blood of Christ, freeing souls from purgatory, "save us."
Blood of Christ, most worthy of all glory and honor, "save us."

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, "spare us, O Lord!."
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, "graciously hear us, O Lord!."
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, "have mercy on us."

V/. Thou hast redeemed us, O Lord, in Thy Blood.
R/. "And made us, for our God, a kingdom."

Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting God, Who didst appoint Thine only-begotten Son the Redeemer of the world, and hast willed to be appeased by His Blood; grant unto us, we beseech Thee, so to venerate (with solemn worship) the price of our redemption, and by its power be so defended against the evils of this life, that we may enjoy the fruit thereof forevermore in Heaven. Through the same Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R/. "Amen."

Eastern Orthodox

The Orthodox teach that what is received in Holy Communion is the actual Resurrected Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. In the West, the Words of Institution are considered to be the moment at which the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. But for the Orthodox there is no one defined moment; rather, all that Orthodox theology states is that by the end of the Epiklesis, the transformation has been completed. The Orthodox also do not use the theological term Transubstantiation to define the conversion from bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, they simply use the word "change".

According to Saint John Damascene, the Sacred Mysteries (under the form of bread and wine) do not become incorruptible until they are actually received in faith by a believing Orthodox Christian.


In the Eastern Orthodox Church and those Eastern Catholic Churches which follow the Byzantine Rite, there is no individual devotion to the Blood of Christ separate from the Body of Christ, or separated from the reception of Holy Communion.

When receiving Holy Communion, the clergy (deacons, priests and bishops) will receive the Body of Christ separately from the Blood of Christ. Then, the remaining portions of the consecrated Lamb (Host) is divided up and placed in the chalice and both the Body and Blood of Christ are communicated to the faithful using a liturgical spoon (see also Intinction).


ee also

*Blood of Christ
*Body of Christ


* [ Precious Blood devotions]
* [ Missionaries of the Precious Blood]
* [ Site about Precious Blood]

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