- Taylor Head Beach
Taylor Head Beach is in
Nova Scotia Canada .Taylor Head Beach can be located at theGPS Coordinates:Longitude 62E35' 9.51"WLatitude 44E50' 25.57"N.The Beach is Southwest of
Sheet Harbour . [The above information was found at the following web address: http://www.novascotiaparks.ca/misc/parks_a-z_info.asp#taylor]Facts
Taylor Head
Beach is a beautiful spot. There is 1km of beautiful sandybeach and 18km of hiking Trails. There are many scenichiking trails verying in length. There are many interesting geological features and natural habitats. [http://www.novascotiaparks.ca/misc/parks_a-z_info.asp#taylor and http://www.trails.com/tcatalog_trail.aspx?trailid=XGL003-017]No Hunting in the
Provincial Park .History
2-3 Sailors have drowned of the coast of Taylor Head and are buried there. [According to the Sign at the Taylor head beach] Taylor Head Beach is one of the few places in NS that have Sand
Volcanoes [http://novascotiatrip.pbwiki.com/f/TaylorHead.pdf page 2]Reference List
Related Articles
See a detailed history of Taylor Head Beach on this PDF: [http://novascotiatrip.pbwiki.com/f/TaylorHead.pdf Taylor Head History]
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