- Jan Henrik Nitter Hansen
Jan Henrik Nitter Hansen (1801-1879) was a Norwegian businessman and politician.
He was born in Luster. He later relocated to
Lærdalsøyri , and became the most significant merchant and landowner there. [http://www.nrk.no/nyheter/distrikt/nrk_sogn_og_fjordane/fylkesleksikon/1570290.html Jan Henrik Nitter Hansen] at the Sogn og Fjordane County Encyclopedia (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation ) no icon] Much of his real estate was bought at anauction in 1828. He also bought a number of ships, which were kept in traffic betweenLofoten and theBaltic Sea . He founded the transport company Nordre Bergenhus Amts Dampskibe (later known as Fylkesbaatane i Sogn og Fjordane) with Harald Ulrik Sverdrup andMichael Aubert in 1858, and was also director of the localsavings bank .b]Jan Henrik Nitter Hansen was also involved in politics. He served as
mayor ofLærdal municipality from 1844 to 1845 and 1848 to 1857, and served as a deputy representative to the Norwegian Parliament in 1851 and 1854.c]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.