

Valmar is the name of two fictional entities:

* In J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, Valmar, otherwise known as the City of Bells and as "Valimar", was the residence of the Valar and the Vanyar in the realm of Valinor. The mound of Ezellohar, on which stood the Two Trees, and Máhanaxar, the Ring of Doom, were outside Valmar. Valmar is generally considered the capital of Valinor, as it was there that the Valar congregated.

* Valmar is a character that appears in the Grandia RPG series from Game Arts. In Grandia II, Valmar is an ancient evil force that was destroyed centuries previous to the time of the game that begins to re-assemble itself, threatening to bring about an apocalypse and holy war.

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