List of World War II aces from the United States

List of World War II aces from the United States

This is a list of fighter aces in World War II from United States. For other countries see List of World War II aces by country


*Robert Wilson Abernathy (USAAF)
*Fred F. Ackerman
*Burnell W. Adams
*Charles E. Adams Jr.
*Fletcher E. Adams
*Robert H. Adams
*John M. Ainlay
*Donald Nathan Aldrich
*John R. Alison
*Calvin D. Allen Jr.
*David W. Allen
*William H. Allen
*Richard L. Alexander
*Stuart C. Alley Jr.
*Ernest J. Ambort
*Robert H. Ammon
*Dudley Moore Ammos
*Benjamin C. Amsden
*Leslie E. Andersen
*Alexander L. Anderson
*"Bud" Clarence E. Anderson
*Charles F. Anderson Jr.
*Richard H. Anderson
*Robert H. Anderson
*William Y. Anderson
*Wyman D. Anderson
*Stephen W. Andrew
*Stanley O. Andrews
*Lester L. Arasmith
*David Barnes Archibald
*William E. Aron
*Robert W. Aschenbrener
*Abner M. Aust Jr.
*Eugene D. Axtell
*George C. Axtell


Bryan D. Cozart

Richard I. Bong

Bryan A. Lemus


*James B. Cain
*Raymond H. Callaway
*Richard A. Campbell
*John A. Campbell
*Richard G. Candelaria
*John B. Carder
*Raymond C. Care
*Henn A. Carey Jr.
*Marion Eugene Carl
*Kendall E. Carlson
*William A. Carlton
*Daniel A. Carmichael
*George Carpenter
*George R. Carr
*Bruce W. Carr
*Walter J. Carroll
*Charles H. Carroll
*Leonard Kyle Carson
*James R. Carter
*William Northrop Case
*Nial K. Castle
*Dean Caswell
*Charles J. Cesky
*George F. Ceuleers
*Henry K. Champion
*Frederic F. Champlin
*Creighton Chandler
*George T. Chandler
*Van E. Chandler
*Philip G. Chapman
*Levi Richard Chase
*Leonard J. Check
*Arthur Chen
*Oscar I. Chenoweth
*Lewis W. Chick Jr.
*Frederick Joseph Christensen
*Lawrence A. Clark
*Robert A. Clark Jr.
*James Averell Clark
*Walter E. Clark Jr.
*Arthur B. Cleaveland
*Donald C. Clements
*Robert E. Clements
*Dallas A. Clinger Jr.
*Vivian A. Cloud
*Robert C. Coats Jr.
*Paul R. Cochran
*Oscar H. Coen
*Robert L. Coffey
*Thaddeus T. Coleman
*Wilson M. Coleman
*Frank J. Collins
*William M. Collins
*J.D. Collinsworth
*Philip E. Colman Jr.
*Gordon B. Compton
*Harold E. Comstock
*Arthur Roger Conant
*Edwin Stanley Conants
*Henry L. Ii Condon
*Jack E. Conger
*Paul A. Conger
*Thomas J. Conroy
*Philip J. Conserva Jr.
*Walter V. Cook
*Merle M. Coons
*William E. Copeland
*Paul Cordray
*Richard L. Cormier
*Leland B. Cornell
*Richard D. Cowger
*Ralph L. Cox
*Bryan D. Cozart
*Melvin Cozzens
*Edward "Porky" Cragg
*Clement M. Craig
*Daftell S. Cramer
*Niven K. Cranfill
*Ray Crawford
*Claude J. Crenshaw
*Harry C. Crim
*Donald F. Cronin
*John T. Crosby
*William E. Crowe
*Arthur W. Cruikshank
*William J. Cullerton
*Donald M. Cummings
*Arthur C. Cundy
*Daniel G. Cunningham
*James N. Cupp
*Louis E. Curdes
*John Harvey Curry
*Robert C. Curtis
*Warren D. Curton
*Frank A. Cutler
*Edward J. Czarnecki


*Kenneth J. Dahms
*William C. Daley
*Barrie S. Davis
*Clayton E. Davis
*George A. Davis Jr.
*Glendon V. Davis
*Leonard K. Davis
*Ralph H. Davis
*Robert H. Davis
*James E. Duffy Jr.
*"Poppy" William Robert Dunn
*Joseph V. Dillard
*Dewey F. Durnford
*Merl W. Davenport
*Cecil O. Dean
*Leslie Decew
*Edwin L. Degraffenreid
*Anthony J. Denman
*Elliott E. Dent Jr.
*Richard O. Devine
*William J. Dillard
*Eugene Dillow
*Jefferson D. Dorroh
*Urban L. Drew
*William C. Drier
*Frank C. Drury
*Paul E. Drury
*William R. Dunn
*Harry W. Dorris
*Bernard Dunn
*Lawrence A. Dewing
*Glenn Emile Duncan
*George C. Duncan
*William D. Dunham
*Kenneth H. Dahlberg
*Robert M. Dehaven
*Archie Glenn Donahue
*Philip Cunliffe De Long
*William A. Dean Jr.
*George A. Doersch
*Perry J. Dahl
*James B. Dalglish
*Jefferson J. DeBlanc
*Richard W. Dunkin
*Robert A. M. Dibb
*Fernley H. Damstrom
*John Francis Dobbin
*Landis E. Doner
*Frederick J. Dorsch Jr.
*Walter F. Duke
*George H. Davidson
*Gregory A. Daymond
*Zach W. Dean
*John W. Dear Jr.
*Paul P. Douglas Jr.
*Irwin H. Dregne
*John S. Dunaway
*Robert W. Duncan
*Fred L. Dungan
*Parker Dupouy
*Alex S. Duerre
*William A. Daniel
*Jack S. Daniell
*C. E. Davies
*George E. Dawkins Jr.
*William C. Day Jr.
*Richard S. Deakins
*George Della
*Reuben H. Denoff
*Frederick E. Dick
*Michael Dikovitsky
*Archie G. Donahue
*I. B. Jack Donaldson
*Cecil J. Doyle
*Charles W. Drake
*Daniel B. Driscoll
*Francis E. Dubisher
*Charles H. Dubois
*James E. Duffy
*Richard E. Duffy


*Glenn T. Eagleston
*Hoyt A. Eason
*Clyde B. East
*David B. Eastham
*Richard T. Eastmond
*Byron A. Eberts
*William G. Eccles
*Herbert Eckard
*Billy C. Edens
*Willard E. Eder
*Selden R. Edner
*Edward B. Edwards Jr.
*William C. Edwards Jr.
*Joseph L. Egan Jr.
*John L. Eider
*Robert A. Elder
*Ralph E. Elliott
*Vincent T. Elliott
*Hugh McJ. Elwood
*Warren S. Emerson
*Wallace N. Emmer
*Benjamin H. Emmert Jr.
*Eugene H. Emmons
*James W. Empey
*James J. England
*John Brooks England
*Herman E. Ernst
*Andrew J. Evans
*Roy W. Evans
*Eric A. Evenson
*Lee R. Everhart
*Loran D. Everton


*Norman J. "Bud" Fortier
*Carl C. Foster
*Carl M. Frantz
*James B. French
*Patrick Dawson Fleming
*Robert William Foy
*"Foob" David Charles Fairbanks
*Kenneth D. Frazier
*Ernest C. Fiebelkorn
*Grover E. Fanning
*Edward L. Feightner
*Sylvan Feld
*Joseph M. Forster
*Marvin J. Franger
*Doris C. Freeman
*Arthur C. Fiedler Jr.
*James M. Fowle
*Francis M. Fleming
*Alfred J. Fecke
*Edwin O. Fisher
*Jack A. Fisk
*Frank E. Foltz
*Dwaine R. Franklin
*John M. Franks
*Earl R. Fryer
*Harold N. Funk
*Robert P. Fash
*James H. Flatley Jr.
*Richard E. Fowler Jr.
*John W. Fair
*Howard J. Finn
*Don Horns Fisher
*Richard H. Fleischer
*William B. Foulis Jr.
*Robert B. Fraser
*Alfred L. Frendberg
*Alfred C. Froning
*Samuel W. Forrer
*Frank L. Gailer Jr.
*Lindol F. Graham
*James S. Gray
*Ben G. Franger
*"Joe" Joseph Jacob Foss
*Charles D. Farmer
*Robert A. Farnsworth Jr.
*William Farrell
*Richard D. Faxon
*Marion C. Felts
*James E. Fenex Jr.
*William F. Fiedler Jr.
*Virgil C. Fields Jr.
*Charles R. Fischette
*Rodney W. Fisher
*Harry E. Fisk
*Nelson D. Flack Jr.
*Kenneth A. Flinn
*Ralph E. Foltz
*Paul John Fontana
*Kenneth M. Ford
*George Formanek Jr.


*Franklin T. Gabriel
*Robert E. Galer
*Kenneth W. Gallup
*James A. Goodson
*John Trevor Godfrey
*"Don" Dominic Salvatore Gentile
*"Herky" Herschel Harper Green
*George W. Gleason
*Robert J. Goebel
*Fred W. Glover
*William K. Giroux
*Michael Gladych
*Walter J. Goehausen Jr.
*John Floyd Gray
*William A. Gardner
*Frank L. Gaunt
*Francis R. Gerard
*Clement D. Gile
*Maxwell H. Glenn
*Walter V. Gresham
*Richard J. Griffin
*LeRoy V. Grosshuesch
*Fred E. Gutt
*Vermont Garrison
*Rockford V. Gray
*Charles S. Gallup
*Roy F. Gillespie
*Edmund R. Goss
*Lee O. Gregg
*Billy M. Gresham
*James W. Griffis
*Clayton K. Gross
*Charles F. Gumm
*Harlan I. Gustafson
*John R. Galvin
*Donald Gordon
*Gordon M. Graham
*Marvin E. Grant
*Joseph Henry Griffin

*"Gabby" Francis Stanley Gabreski
*Dwight B. Galt
*Warner F. Gardner
*Noel Gayler
*Steven Gerick
*Grover D. Gholson
*Robert D. Gibb
*Edward Lester Gimbel
*Cyrus R. Gladen
*Lindley W. Godson
*Robert E. Goodnight
*Norman D. Gould
*Robert F. Graham
*Vernon E. Graham
*Hayden A. Gregory
*Robert C. Griffith
*William Grosvenor Jr.
*Cheatham W. Gupton


*Samuel B. Hibbard
*Charles H. Haverland Jr.
*James E. Hoffman Jr.
*Mark E. Hubbard
*Roger A. Haberman
*Henry B. Hamilton
*Willis E. Hardy
*A. A. Harrington
*Frank C. Heath
*William J. Hennon
*Frank A. Hill
*Harry E. Hill
*John J. Hockery
*"Pappy" John Coleman Herbst
*"Tex" David Lee Hill (USAAF)
*Ralph Kidd Hofer
*Bill Harris
*Cyril F. Homer
*Arthur R. Hawkins
*James H. Howard
*Roy W. Howard
*John F. Hampshire
*Bruce K. Holloway
*"Bob" Robert Murray Hanson
*"Cece" Cecil Elwood Harris
*Richard F. Hurd
*James P. Hagerstrom
*Walter A. Haas
*George F. Hall
*Sheldon O. Hall
*Louis R. Hamblin
*Robert M. Hamilton
*William F. Hanes Jr.
*Eugene R. Hanks
*Raymond F. Harmeyer
*Cameron M. Hart
*Lloyd P. Heinzen
*Ronald W. Hoel
*Roy B. Hogg
*James D. Holloway
*Wallace E. Hopkins
*Robert L. Howard
*David W. Howe
*Bernard H. Howes
*Charles W. Huffman
*John C. Hundley
*Robert Hurst
*Edwin L. Heller
*Herman Hansen Jr.
*Paul R. Hatala
*Francis W. Horne
*William L. Hood
*Thomas C. Haywood
*Robert J. Humphrey
*William T. Halton
*Leroy E. Harris
*Cotesworth B. Head Jr.
*Roger R. Hedrick
*William E. Henry
*Howard D. Hively
*Mayo A. Hadden Jr.
*Frederick A. Harris
*Kenneth F. Hart
*Edwin James Hernan Jr.
*George L. Hollowell
*Edward E. Hunt
*Thomas S. Harris
*Fred R. Haviland Jr.
*Allen E. Hill
*Frank D. Hurlbut
*Everett C. Hargreaves
*Thomas L. Hayes Jr.
*John H. Hoefker
*Ernest A. Harris
*William J. Hovde

*Albert C. Hacking Jr.
*Samuel E. Hammer
*Harry T. Hanna
*Chris J. Hanseman
*Walter R. Harman
*Thomas L. Harris
*Raymond E. Hartley Jr.
*Herbert B. Hatch
*Charles D. Hauver
*Russell C. Haworth
*Frank R. Hayde
*Frank C. Hearrell
*Robert Hedman
*Paul M. Henderson Jr.
*Randall W. Hendricks
*James E. Hill
*Donald E. Hillman
*Hollis Harry Hills
*Kenneth G. Hippe
*Edwin W. Hiro
*Myron M. Hnatio
*John B. Hoag
*William R. Hodges
*Cullen J. Hoffman
*Besby F. Holmes
*Herbert N. Houck
*Edward R. Hoyt
*Howard R. Hudson
*Alvaro J. Hunter


*Joe W. Icard
*Jack M. Ilfrey
*James C. Ince
*Julius W. Ireland
*Clayton M. Isaacson


*Michael J. Jackson
*Willie O. Jackson Jr.
*Gilbert L. Jamison
*Clarence Murl Jasper
*Otto D. Jenkins
*R.H. Jennings
*Alvin J. Jensen
*Verl E. Jett
*Clarence O. Johnson
*James M. Jones
*Ripley O. Jones
*Arthur G. Johnson Jr.
*Byron M. Johnson
*John M. Johnston
*John L. Jones
*"Jerry" Gerald Richard Johnson
*Robert Samuel "Bob" Johnson
*Robert D. Johnston
*Charles David Jones
*Cyril W. Jones Jr.
*Wallace R. Jordan
*Arthur F. Jeffrey
*Gerald W. Johnson
*Kenneth A. Jernstedt
*Hayden M. Jensen
*Evan M. Johnson
*Wallace R. Johnson
*Curran L. Jones
*Frank C. Jones
*Lynn F. Jones
*Warren L. Jones
*J. Wayne Jorda
*Alwin M. Jucheim
*William H. Julian


*Tom S. Kalaj
*William R. Kane
*Dale E. Karger
*Robert A. Karr
*Neel E. Kearby
*Robert J. Keen
*LeRoy W. Keith
*William T. Kemp
*Charles Kendrick
*Daniel Kennedy
*Ira C. Kepford
*Leslie H. Kerr Jr.
*Robert Riffle Kidwell
*Donald David Kienholz
*Benjamin H. King
*Claiborne H. Kinnard Jr.
*William B. King
*William J. Kingston Jr.
*John R. Kincaid
*Robert Alexander Kincaid
*Charles W. King
*David L. King
*Claude R. Kinsey
*Marion F. Kirby
*George N. Kirk
*Lenton F. Kirkland Jr.
*Floyd C. Kirkpatrick
*Phillip L. Kirkwood
*John A. Kirla
*George E. Kiser
*Frank W. Klibbe
*Robert H. Knapp
*William M. Knight
*Carroll S. Knott
*Charles W. Koenig
*Edward H. Kopsel
*Walter J. Koraleski Jr.
*William J. Kostick
*William A. Kostick
*Joseph J. Kruzel
*Henry B. Kucheman Jr.
*Ward A. Kuentzel
*Charles Murphy Kunz


*Joseph L. Lang
*George M. Lamb
*Charles W. Lasko
*John H. Lowell
*Robert A. Lamb
*Michael J. Leahy
*Alfred Lerch
*Bryan A. Lemus
*Warren R. Lewis
*Lawrence P. Liebers
*Frank Lawler
*Gregory. K. Loesch
*Carl J. Luksic
*John B. Lawler
*Francis J. Lent
*William L. Leverette
*James W. Little
*John S. Loisel
*Wayne L. Lowry
*William N. Leonard
*William H. Lewis
*Bryan E. Lewis
*Elvin L. Lindsay
*Joseph J. Lesicka
*William E. Lamb
*Kenneth B. Lake
*Dean S. Laird
*John H. Lane
*Donald A. Larson
*Leland A. Larson
*Robert L. Liles
*John D. Lombard
*Marvin W. Lubner
*Paul W. Lucas
*Stanley J. Lustic
*Maurice G. Long
*William M. Lundin
*Joseph P. Lynch
*John D. Landers
*John Joseph Lynch
*Kenneth G. Ladd
*Raymond H. Littge
*Robert Laing Little
*Ted E. Lines
*Walter A. Lundin
*Herbert H. Long

*Wayne W. Laird
*William E. Lamoreaux
*Willis G. Laney
*Ned W. Langdon
*Thomas G. Lanphier
*Richard C. Lampe
*Franklin C. Lathrope
*C.H. Laughlin
*Earl R. Lazear Jr.
*Richard J. Lee
*Charles W. Lenfest
*Marlow J. Leikness
*Jack Lenox Jr.
*John A. Leppla
*Hugh D. Lillie
*Charles P. London
*Donald S. Lopez
*Clifford Louie
*George G. Loving Jr.
*John Forrest Luma
*Lowell C. Lutton
*Thomas Joseph Lynch


*George B. McMillan
*James M. Morris
*John B. Murphy
*Thomas H. Mann Jr.
*Harris E. Mitchell
*Thomas F. Miller
*William J. Masoner Jr.
*Pierce W. McKennon
*Hamilton McWhorter III
*Robert W. Moore
*Walker Melville "Bud" Mahurin
*Ed O. McComas
*Elbert S. McCuskey
*Roger W. Mehle
*William P. Marontate
*Willard W. Millikan
*Glennon T. Moran
*Nicholas Megura
*Charles M. McCorkle
*Norman L. McDonald
*John W. Mitchell
*Leland P. Molland
*Robert E. Murray
*William D. McGarry
*Christopher Lyman Magee
*Charles M. Mallory
*Louis A. Menard
*Virgil K. Meroney
*Stanley B. Morrill
*Donald McDowell
*Bernard L. McGrattan
*Sanford K. Moats
*John L. Morgan Jr.
*Thomas E. Maloney
*W. Robert Maxwell
*Earl May
*Carroll W. McColpin
*Johnnie G. Miller
*William W. Momyer
*Douglas W. Mulcahy
*Alva C. Murphy
*Gordon J. Muir
*Henry J. Miklajcyk
*William J. Maguire
*Armand G. Manson
*Bert W. Marshall Jr.
*Thomas G. McClelland
*Robert W. McClurg
*Murry D. McLaughlin
*John T. Moore
*James B. Morehead
*Bert D. Morris Jr.
*Robert C. Moss
*Michele A. Mazzocco
*Edward C. McGowan
*Mark L. Moseley
*Paul A. Mullen
*Grant M. Mahoney
*Richard Hobbs May
*William A. McCormick Jr.
*Gordon H. McDaniel
*Donald Charles McGee
*Joseph T. McKeon
*John McManus
*Henry H. Meigs
*Adolph Mencin
*Donald W. Meuten
*Armour C. Miller
*Henry L. Mills
*Robert Mims
*Henry E. Mitchell
*Norman W. Mollard
*John R. Montapert
*Horace B. Moranville
*William C. Moseley
*James D. Mugavero
*Robert F. Mulhollen
*Paul C. Murphey Jr.
*John B. Maas Jr.
*Frank E. McCauley
*William W. McLachlin
*Leslie D. Minchew
*Raymond B. Myers
*"Dave" David S. McCampbell
*"Mac" Charles Henry MacDonald
*"Tom" Thomas Buchanan McGuire Jr.
*John Charles Meyer
*L.A. Maberry
*John A. MacKay
*Morton D. Magoffin
*Jackson Barrett Mahon
*Keith Mahon
*Jack Cyril Mankin
*Lee Paul Mankin jr.
*Harry A. March Jr.
*Gene E. Markham
*Lester C. Marsh
*Albert E. Martin Jr.
*Kenneth R. Martin
*Joe L. Mason
*William H. Mathis
*Marvel Mathre
*Milden E. Mathre
*Joseph Z. Matte
*Chester K. Maxwell
*Ben I. Mayo Jr.
*Paul G. McArthur
*T.H. McArthur
*H. Allen McCartney Jr.
*Leo B. McCuddin
*R. "Red" McDonald
*William F. McDonough
*James N. McElroy
*John L. McGinn
*Selva E. McGinty
*John W. McGuyrt
*Donald J. McKinley
*Evan D. McMinn
*Donald M. McPherson
*George L. Merritt Jr.
*F. H. Michaelis
*Everett Miller
*Joseph E. Miller Jr.
*Robert C. Milliken
*Charles B. Milton
*Arthur P. Mollenhauer
*Franklin H. Monk
*Paul V. Morriss
*Arthur H. Munson
*Jennings L. Myers
*'Dick' Lowell F. Maxwell Jr.


*Joseph L. Narr
*Robert Hawthorne "Bob" Neale
*H.A. Nelson
*Robert J. Nelson
*Robert K. Nelson
*John V. Newkirk
*Franklin A. Nichols
*Myrvin E. Noble
*Edward M. Nollmeyer
*Cornelius Nicholas Nooy
*Louis H. "Red Dog" Norley
*Marvin R. Novak
*George P. Novotny


*Gilbert M. O'Brien
*William R. O'Brien
*Frank Q. O'Connor
*Edward Henry "Butch" O'Hare
*Jeremiah J. O'Keefe
*Paul O'Mara Jr.
*Danny O'Neill
*Eugene W. O'Neill
*John G. O'Neill
*Lawrence F. O'Neill
*Jack J. Oberhansly
*Harvey Odenbrett
*Fred F. Ohr
*Edwin L. Olander
*Austin LeRoy Olsen
*Charles Herman "Chuck" Older
*Robin Olds
*Norman E. Olson
*John Orth
*Ernest K. Osher
*Charles H. Ostrom
*Edward C. Outlaw
*Robert J. Overcash
*Edmund F. Overend
*Lloyd J. Overfield
*Edward W. Overton Jr.
*Edward M. Owen
*Donald C. Owen
*Joel A. Owens
*Robert G. Owens, Jr.


*Elbert W. Parrish
*Carl W. Payne
*Chesley Gordon Peterson
*Joseph F. Pierce
*Sammy A. Pierce
*Spiros N. Pisanos
*Jack Pittman Jr.
*James N. Poindexter
*Robert Bruce Porter
*Edward S. Popek
*John E. Purdy
*Albert J. Pope
*Melvin M. Prichard
*George W. Pigman Jr.
*Claude W. Plant
*Nathan T. Post
*Luther D. Prater Jr.
*Frederick R. Payne
*MacArthur Powers
*James J. Pascoe
*Joseph J. Paskoski
*James L. Pearce
*James Eldridge Peck
*Gilbert Percy
*Francis E. Pierce Jr.
*John Pietz Jr.
*Hiram Clifford Pitts
*Zenneth Arthur Pond
*Tilman E. Pool
*Ralston M. Pound Jr.
*Frank H. Presley
*John Forrest Pugh
*John E. Petach
*Robert W. Prescott
*Peter E. Pompetti
*Richard A. Peterson
*Joe H. Powers Jr.
*Harry A. Parker
*Harvey P. Picken
*Joel B. Paris III
*George Earl "Ratsy" Preddy Jr.

*Melvyn R. Paisley
*Forrest F. Parham
*Edsel Paulk
*James E. Peck
*Oscar F. Perdomo
*David P. Philips
*Edward A. Phillips
*Hyde Phillips
*Jared M. Phillips
*Kenneth R. Pool
*Philip B. Porter
*George H. Poske
*Ernest A. Powell
*Jack C. Price
*Royce W. Priest
*Roger C. Pryor


*Norwald R. Quiel
*Donald L. Quigley
*Michael J. Quirk


*Valentine S. Rader
*Orvin H. Ramlo
*Robert J. Rankin
*C. B. Ray
*James V. Reber Jr.
*Arval J. Reberson
*Edward F. Rector
*Eugene D. Redmond
*William N. Reed
*William C. Reese
*Horace B. Reeves
*Leonard R. Reeves
*Francis R. Register
*Dan R. Rehm Jr.
*T. Hamil Reidy
*J. Hunter Reinburg
*Russell L. Reiserer
*Thomas J. Rennemo
*Joseph E. Reulet
*Glenn M. Revel
*Andrew J. Reynolds
*Robert Reynolds
*Thomas W. Rhodes
*Elmer W. Richardson
*Robert H. Riddle
*Vincent A. Rieger
*Alden P. Rigby
*James F. Rigg
*Elwyn G. Righetti
*Paul S. Riley
*Ben Rimerman
*Andrew J. Ritchey
*Joe D. Robbins
*Jay Thorpe Robbins
*Daniel T. Roberts Jr.
*Eugene Paul Roberts
*Newell O. Roberts
*Leroy W. Robinson
*Ross F. Robinson
*Edward F. Roddy
*Felix Michael Rogers
*Franklin Rose Jr.
*Ralph J. Rosen
*Herbert E. Ross
*Robert P. Ross
*Herman J. Rossi Jr.
*John R. Rossi
*Gerald L. Rounds
*Robert R. Rowland
*LeRoy A. Ruder
*Henry S. Rudolph
*John W. Ruhsam
*Donald E. Runyon
*Roy W. Rushing
*William A. Rynne


*Philip Sangermano
*Glenn D. Schiltz Jr.
*Dale E. Shafer
*Robert M. Shaw
*William A. Shomo
*Carroll C. Smith
*Gordon A. Stanley
*Arland Stanton
*John L. Sublett
*Jimmie E. Savage
*Frank Schiel
*Maidrum L. Sears
*Ernest Shipman
*Lucien B. Shuler
*Sam L. Silber
*John M. Simmons
*Warren A. Skon
*Carl Eugene Smith
*Leslie C. Smith
*"Snuffy" Richard E. Smith
*Robert J. Stone
*William H. Strand
*Albert L. Schlegel
*Larry R. Self
*Everett W. Stewart
*Dale F. Spencer
*Robert T. Smith
*Albert C. Slack
*Frederick J. Streig
*John D. Stokes
*William N. Snider
*Armistead B. Smith Jr.
*John A. Storch
*John C.C. Symmes
*Robert Lee Scott
*Arthur Singer Jr.
*John Malcolm Smith
*Paul M. Stanch
*Elliott Summer
*James S. Swope
*Mervl M. Smith
*James S. Stewart
*John S. Stewart
*Chris T. Streng II
*Harold E. Segal
*LeRoy A. Schreiber
*James A. Shirley
*Norman C. Skogstad
*William J. Sloan
*Donald H. Sapp
*Murray Shubin Jr.
*Cornelius M. Smith Jr.
*Kenneth C. Sparks
*Richard E. Stambook
*Edward O. Shaw
*Robert W. Stephens
*John R. Strane
*James C. Stewart
*John J. Sargent
*Hartell H. Scales
*Wilbur R. Scheible
*William J. Schildt
*Robert G. Schimanski
*Albert Seckel Jr.
*Robert W. Shackford
*Courtney Shands
*Hugh V. Sherrill
*Perry L. Shuman
*William J. Simmons
*Clinton L. Smith
*Daniel F. Smith Jr.
*John C. Smith
*Nicholas J. Smith
*Walter E. Starck
*Carlton B. Starkes
*James R. Starnes
*Robert F. Stout
*Harvey W. Sturdevant
*Robert L. Shoup
*Donovan F. Smith
*Robert J. Sandell
*Wallace E. Sigler
*Charles W. Sawyer
*Robert H. Smith
*"Vick" Hartwell Victor Jr. Scarborough
*David Carl Schilling
*Alexander F. Sears
*Robert Byron See
*Robert K. Seidman
*Thomas D. Schank
*Gordon E. Schecter
*J. L. Schell
*Louis Schriber
*Duerr H. Schuh
*Charles A. Shields
*Robert Bruce Shoals
*Lester H. Sipes
*Frank Sistrunk
*Jack R. Smith
*John Lucian Smith
*Kenneth Darwin Smith
*Kenneth Guy Smith
*Paul A. Smith
*Virgil H. Smith
*Irl V. Sonner Jr.
*James J. "Pug" Southerland
*John F. Sutherland
*Harold L. Spears
*Clyde P. Spitler
*William J. Stangel
*Morris A. Stanley
*Edgar E. Stebbins
*Charles R. Stimpson
*Carl Van Stone
*Donald J. Strait
*Johnnie C. Strange
*Richard C. Suehr
*Charles P. Sullivan
*William J. Sykes
*Robert C. Sutcliffe
*James E. Swett, Medal of Honor
*Harry W. Swinburne
*Stanley T. Synar


*Franklin C. Thomas Jr.
*"Jimmy" John Smith Thach
*Reade Franklin Tilley
*Frankam W. Troup
*Myron M. Truax
*John H. Truluck
*Edward B. Turner
*Gerald E. Tyler
*James B. Tapp
*Philip E. Tovrea Jr.
*James O. Tyler
*William L. Turner
*Eugene A. Trowbridge
*Richard E. Turner
*Wendell V. Twelves
*Ray A. Taylor Jr.
*Robert H. Thelen
*Charles H. Turner
*Francis Andell Terrill
*Harrison R. Thyng
*Wilbur Jackson Thomas
*John F. Thornell Jr.
*William F. Tanner
*William Paul Thayer
*Frederick O. Trafton Jr.
*Robert D. Thompson
*Ralph G. Taylor Jr.
*David F. Thwaites
*F.W. Tracy
*Grant M. Turley

*Gilbert F. Talbot
*Kenneth M. Taylor
*Oliver B. Taylor
*Will W. Taylor
*Robert F. Thomas
*Robert E. Tierney
*John A. Tilley
*Edward W. Toaspern
*John W. Topfill
*"Bud" Harrison B. Tordoff
*Ross E. Torkelson
*Eugene P. Townsend
*Clifton H. Troxell


*Donald E. Umphres


*Eugene Anthony Valencia
*Herbert J. Valentine
*Rudolph Daniel Van Dyke
*Arthur Van Haren Jr.
*George R. Vanden Heuval
*Peter J. Vander Linden
*James S. Varnell Jr.
*Harley C. Vaughn
*Robert H. Vaught
*Milton N. Vedder
*Stanley W. “Swede” Vejtasa
*Clinton D. Vincent
*Merriwell W. Vineyard
*Arnold E. Vinson
*Herman W. Visscher
*Harold E. Vita
*John E. Vogt
*John W. Vogt, Jr.
*John James Voll
*Roy M. Voris
*Albert O. Vorse
*Alexander Vraciu


*"Wildcat" Lance Cleo Wade
*Robert Wade
*Horace Q. Waggoner
*"Buzz" Boyd David Wagner
*Joe W. Waits
*Kenneth Ambrose Walsh
*Thomas H. Walker
*Walter B. Walker Jr.
*Ralph H. Wandrey
*Kuan Fu Wang
*Lyttleton T. Ward
*Victor E. Warford
*Arthur T. Warner
*Jack R. Warren
*Edward T. Waters
*James A. Watkins
*Ralph J. Watson
*Charles E. Watts
*Oran S. Watts
*Sidney W. Weatherford
*Charles E. Weaver
*Claude Weaver III
*Wilbur B. Webb
*Willard J. Webb
*George Weigel
*Kevin "K-Dub" Walker
*Darrell G. Welch
*George S. Welch
*Robert E. Welch
*Robert D. Welden
*Alhert P. Wells
*Edward G. Wendorf
*Arthur E. Wenige
*John M. Wesolowski
*Warren M. Wesson
*Richard L. West
*Robert G. West
*Robert Burdette Westbrook
*Gregory J. Weissenberger
*Raymond Shuey Wetmore
*William E. Whalen
*Elmer M. Wheadon
*"Whiz" William T. Whisner
*Henry S. White
*John H. White
*Robert H. White
*Thomas A. White
*Roy E. Whittaker
*Samuel J. Wicker
*David C. Wilhelm
*Paul H. Wilkins
*James W. Wilkinson
*Bruce W. Williams
*Gerard M. H. Williams
*James M. Williams
*Russel D. Williams
*Felix D. Williamson
*Robert C. Wilson
*William F. Wilson
*Murray Winfield
*Robert P. Winks
*Theodore Hugh Winters Jr.
*Calvin C. Wire
*Ralph L. Wire
*John L. Wirth
*Lee V. Wiseman
*Robert A. Winston
*Lynn E. Witt Jr.
*Walter A. Wood
*Sydney S. Woods
*Robert E. Woody
*John T. Wolf
*Judge E. Wolfe
*John L. Wolford
*Millard Wooley Jr.
*Robert C. Woolverton
*Malcolm T. Wordell
*George L. Wrenn
*Max J. Wright
*Ellis Win. Wright Jr.



Further reading

*cite book
title=Time of Aces: Marine Pilots in the Solomons
author=Mersky, Cmdr Peter B., USNR
series=Marines in World War II Commemorative Series
publisher=Marine Corps Historical Center
location=Washington, D.C.

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