- Aysheaia
fossil_range = MidCambrian
image_caption = Reconstruction of "Aysheaia"
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Onychophora
genus = "Aysheaia""Aysheaia pedunculata" was a soft-bodied,
caterpillar -shaped organism average body length of 1–6 cm. They are known fromfossil s found in the middleCambrian Burgess shale ofBritish Columbia . Similar forms are known from the lower CambrianMaotianshan shale s ofChina . "Aysheaia" has ten body segments, each of which has a pair of spiked, annulated legs. The animal is segmented, and looks somewhat like a bloated caterpillar with a few spines added on — including six finger-like projections around the mouth and two grasping legs on the "head." Based on its association with sponge remains, it is believed that "Aysheaia" was a sponge grazer and may have protected itself frompredator s by seeking refuge within sponge colonies. "Aysheaia" probably used its claws to cling to the sponge.Unlike many early Cambrian forms whose relationships are obscure and puzzling, "Aysheaia" is remarkably similar to a modern phylum, the
Onychophora . Only 19 specimens of "Aysheaia" are known.External links
* [http://www.sites.si.edu/images/exhibits/Burgess%20Shale/images/pages/Aysheaia_jpg_jpg.htm Smithsonian Institution image]
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