Hans Warner

Hans Warner

Hans B. Warner was a politician from the U.S. state of Wisconsin. He served as that state's twelfth Secretary of State, serving two terms from January 7, 1878 until January 2, 1882. He was a Republican and served under Governor William E. Smith.

He resided in Ellsworth, Wisconsin at the time of his election.


*cite book |last=Anderson |first=William J. |coauthors=William A. Anderson (ed.) |title=The Wisconsin blue book, 1929 |origyear=1929 |url=http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/WI/WI-idx?type=header&id=WI.WIBlueBk1929&isize=M |accessdate=2008-08-23 |publisher=Democrat Printing Company |location=Madison, Wisconsin |pages=144

*cite book |last=Barish |first=Lawrence S. (ed.) |title=State of Wisconsin Blue Book 2007–2008 |url=http://www.legis.wisconsin.gov/lrb/bb/07bb/ |format=PDF |origmonth=July |origyear=2007 |location=Madison, Wisconsin |publisher=Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau |chapter=Chapter 8: Statistical Information on Wisconsin |chapterurl=http://www.legis.wisconsin.gov/lrb/bb/07bb/statistics.htm |pages=721 |isbn=978-0-9752820-2-1 |accessdate=2008-08-23

NAME = Warner, Hans
SHORT DESCRIPTION = Politician; Secretary of State of Wisconsin

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