- Ram Dass Fierce Grace
"Ram Dass Fierce Grace" is a 2002 American
biographical film , directed byMickey Lemle . It tells the story of Dr. Richard Albert's transformation fromHarvard psychology professor to spiritual student/devotee and back again to teacher from the perspective of his massive stroke. Named by "Newsweek " as one of the "Top Five Non-Fiction Films" of 2002, "Ram Dass Fierce Grace" offers an engrossing, poignant meditation on consciousness, healing and the unexpected grace of aging. [http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/ramdass/ram_dass.html "Ram Dass Fierce Grace"] at Independent Lens. Retrieved 8 September 2008.] The film begins in the present, as Ram Dass deals with the effects of a massive stroke that left him physically incapacitated, with impaired memory and speech. Interweaving interviews with fellow devotees of Indianguru andsaint Neem Karoli Baba archival footage, Lemle looks back at his privileged childhood, the controversy surrounding his research inpsychedelics at Harvard, hispilgrimage to India and devotion toNeem Karoli Baba , his work with theSeva Foundation in social action projects dedicated to relieving suffering in the world, and his impact as an author and guru to millions of followers.Filmmaker bio
Mickey Lemle has been making films, television series and documentary specials since 1968. He holds a B.A. from Brandeis University. Lemle has served in the U.S.
Peace Corps inNepal , on the board of several arts foundations and is currently co-chairman of the board of theTibet Fund . In 1992, Lemle produced and directed the documentary "Compassion in Exile: The Story of the 14thDalai Lama ", which was broadcast onPBS and received two Emmy nominations for Best Director and Best Documentary and the Grand Prize at theEarth/Peace Film Festival . In 1989, he co-wrote (with Arnie Reisman), produced and directed "The Other Side of the Moon", also broadcast on PBS. Lemle's film "Hasten Slowly: The Journey of Sir Laurens Van Der Post" (1996) received a Golden Maile Audience Choice Award at theHawaii International Film Festival . [ [http://www.zeitgeistfilms.com/film.php?directoryname=ramdassfiercegrace&mode=filmmaker Lemle information] at zeitgeistfilms.com. Retrieved 8 September 2008.]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.