- Ådalen shootings
The Ådalen shootings ( _sv. Skotten i Ådalen), also known as the Ådalen riots, was a series of events in and around the sawmill district of
Ådalen ,Kramfors Municipality ,Ångermanland ,Sweden , in May 1931. During a protest onMay 14 , five persons were killed by bullets fired by Swedish military troops.Background to the shootings
As a response to an outdrawn industrial conflict over pay reductions at the pulp factory at Långrör, workers at other plants went on a sympathy strike. The owner of the
Graninge company,Gerhard Versteegh , hired around 60 strike-breakers (a.k.a. "scabs"), who arrived in the villageLunde in Ådalen on May 12. The workers held a peaceful protest rally inKramfors and marched to the Sandviken plant north of the town, where they approached and attacked some of the strike-breakers.Fact|date=August 2007 Since the police had not been able to intervene, the County Administrative Board asked formilitary troops fromSollefteå to be deployed to protect the strike-breakers. When the troops arrived, May 13, in the late evening, they were met by protesters, allegedly throwing stones.Fact|date=August 2007The confrontation
On May 14 the
trade union s held another rally, during which the attending workers decided to stop all work in the timber and pulp industries in Ådalen - ageneral strike . After the meeting, several thousand participants marched to the strike-breakers quarters in Lunde, where the military troops had been ordered to defend the strike-breakers. When they arrived in the village, mounted troops tried, and failed, to stop them.Fact|date=August 2007 In the confusion that followed, the military commander, captainNils Mesterton , claimed to have believed the demonstrators carried weapons.Fact|date=August 2007 At a distance of less than 100 meters, he ordered his troops to fire. Five people were killed by the military's bullets: Oskar Berggren, Erik Bergström, Evert Nygren, Sture Larsson and Eira Söderberg, a 20-year old female bystander. Five people were injured. An inquiry later concluded that there was no evidence that the workers were in fact armed.Fact|date=August 2007The same day, the County Administrative Board had decided to prohibit the strike-breakers from working. Their decision did not reach the demonstrators until after the shooting. It is widely believed that the confrontation could have been avoided if the news had reached the marchers earlier. The Swedish Employers' Association later asked the
Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsmen to review the decision.Fact|date=August 2007Aftermath
The events spawned a raging national debate, deeply divided along political lines. The political left called the shootings "murder"Fact|date=August 2007, while the right claimed that the military had been forced to open fire to defend themselves and the "willing workers" from the rage of the demonstrators.Fact|date=August 2007 The publishers of several left-wing newspapers were convicted for violations against the limitations in the Freedom of the Press Act.Fact|date=August 2007 Major demonstrations took place in
Stockholm . The government, under the liberal Prime MinisterCarl Gustaf Ekman , replaced the County Governor and launched an investigation into the event. The investigation, with representatives from both employers and trade unions, later concluded that the military was highly unfit to uphold public order in similar situations.Fact|date=August 2007 The following year, legislation was introduced which prevented the military from using weapons against civilians. The legislation was kept for 75 years, untilMay 10 ,2006 , when a new law was appointed to allow the use of military against civilians, in support of the police for fight against terrorist crimes. [ [http://www.stockholmsfria.nu/artikel/7163] [http://www.stockholmsfria.nu/artikel/7182] [http://lagen.nu/2006:343] ]The County Governor was tried in
court but acquitted. A few soldiers, including Mesterton, the military commander, had to spend a few days in custody. On the other hand, several demonstrators had to face severe sentences: Axel Nordström, considered to be the leader, was sentenced to two and a half years imprisonment with hard labour. Nodamages were awarded to the wounded persons and the families of the five dead.Fact|date=August 2007Contemporary significance
In 1969, well-known Swedish filmmaker
Bo Widerberg told the story of the events in his film "Ådalen 31 " (released as "Adalen Riots" in theUnited States ). Partly thanks to the film, partly through the persistent use of the events in political debate, the Ådalen shootings are still well-known in Sweden, and are sometimes referred to in connection with violent clashes between demonstrators and police, such as theprotests during the EU summit in Gothenburg 2001 .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.