World Youth Day 1995

World Youth Day 1995

Infobox World Youth Day
title = X World Youth Day 1995
imagefile = Gmg1995.gif
theme = "As the Father sent me, so am I sending you" (Jn 20:21)
location = Manila, Philippines
date = January 1015, 1995

World Youth Day 1995 was a Catholic youth festival that took place from January 10–15, 1995 in Manila, Philippines. It was the first time for an Asian country to host the event. Pope John Paul II presided over the event, marking his second trip to the country.

Youth pilgrims gathered from different parts of the world to worship together, learn of each other's cultures, and to talk amongst one another as "brothers and sisters." The event was celebrated with different activities including a "Barrio Fiesta," where assigned groups would gather to socialize and have fun. Masses were celebrated everyday in almost every Catholic Church in the Philippines.

The closing Mass, held at Luneta Park, was estimated to have been attended by more than 5 million people; current world record for the largest Papal gathering in Roman Catholic history. Some have even suggested it may have been the largest Christian gathering ever, although this is not certain.

After the event, and 8 years after, the Pope was supposed to visit the Philippines again for the World Meeting of Families in 2003. However, due to advancing health problems, he was prevented from doing so. His 1995 Pastoral visit to the country was his last.

Country delegations

Pilgrims at WYD1995 represented the following countries [The Roman Catholic Church considers five inhabited continents when listing countries.] :


*flag|South Africa

The Americas



*flag|Philippines (host country)
*flag|South Korea
*flag|Sri Lanka


*flag|United Kingdom


*flag|New Zealand
*flag|Papua New Guinea

Notes and References

External links

* [ Guinness Book of World Records - Largest Papal Crowd]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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