- Kenneth Haywood
Kenneth L. Haywood Birth 1964 Attended both Prescott, AZ, and Kingman, AZ High schools to Graduation in 1981 Honorably Discharged from both US Marine Corps, and US Navy. Ken became a "Born Again" Christian in 1984 in the First Baptist Church Kingman, AZ. After his Military service Ken was Married to Anne Marie Carter of Prescott, AZ in 1986. Ken began to pursue "A call to preach the Gospel of Christ" that same year. While preparing for ministry Ken worked in the Land title Insurance industry, and continued this vocation even after taking his first Pastorate in 1990 in Lancaster, California. His hobby is music, and he plays drums, guitar, and bass.
Haywood's life took on a dual role from that point as he worked and pastored at small churches in Lancaster, and Glendale, CA then later at Flagstaff, AZ. In Flagstaff Haywood had to go to both the city court and
state court s to get a permanent injunction against a group of 5 men who had never had any association with his church, nor any church he had attended yet insisted they had with the stated purpose of destroying the church. This permanent injunction was granted by the ArizonaSuperior court and upheld by the Arizona State Court of Appeals, it was appealed to theArizona Supreme Court who declined to hear the case For reference please see Arizona Cause No. CV- 95-0118 Kenneth L. Haywood etal. Vs. Steven R. Schoner etal.(Deborah Young, Clerk of the Superior Court 200 N. San Francisco (Court House)Flagstaff AZ. 86001(928) 779-6535. For Reference to the Arizona state Court of Appeals [http://www.cofad1.state.az.us/]All of Haywood's ministry has been under the banner of the fellowship of independent churches known as "Christian Fellowship Ministries." Haywood went on to pastor in Gilbert AZ, and Kingman AZ. He attained the Land Title Association's professional designation of "Certified Senior Title Officer" over a 20 year career in that industry.
In 2007 Haywood went to work for the a firm named Campbell White in Mumbai, India. Campbell White was said to be engaged in the training of corporate executives in public speaking, as well as international professional courtesy and protocols.
On July 26, 2008 it was reported that someone was able to hack into Haywood's wireless router [ [http://www.jamestown.org/terrorism/news/article.php?articleid=2374356] ] [ [http://www.rediff.com/news/2008/aug/22ahd5.htm] ] , using it to send an email immediately before the bomb blasts in Ahmadabad, India. The e-mail, signed by members of a new group called the "Indian Mujahideen" promised revenge for the Gujarat massacres of 2002 [ [http://www.philly.com/philly/news/nation_world/20080729_Police_in_India_raid_the_home_of_U_S__man.html] ] .
Its text told viewers of television networks who received it that "In the name of Allah the Indian Mujahideen strike again! Do whatever you can, within 5 minutes from now, feel the terror of Death."
Five minutes later, 21 bombs exploded in the city of Ahmedabad, killing 56 people. [ [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Ahmedabad_bombings] ] 25 bombs were also discovered in the city of Surat, but they failed to explode.
The message which originated from Haywood's IP address aroused the suspicion of anti-terrorist investigators in Mumbai, who began questioning him. Anti terrorist officials told the media that Haywood remained "very much on the radar of suspicion." [ [http://www.hindu.com/2008/07/30/stories/2008073061001200.htm] ]
Haywood voluntarily surrendered his computers, underwent 3 weeks of interrogation, and volunteered (and was reportedly cleared by) a polygraph test. Following the results of the polygraph test, Haywood left India, despite a "lookout notice" being placed upon him [ [http://www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/story.aspx?id=NEWEN20080062096] ] .Haywood told reporters that he had informed both the Navi Mumbai Police, and the local Anti terror squad of his intent to take a holiday to the states as soon as he was cleared.ref> [http://epaper.dnaindia.com/epapermain.aspx?queryed=9&eddate=8%2f20%2f2008] ]
Nonetheless, anti-terrorist official Hernant Kakare said that "there must have been an error at the Delhi airport in not following the lookout notice issued by them" - implying that Haywood had not received permission to leave. CNN-IBN reported that "over the past three days [before his flight] , Haywood had failed to appear despite repeated summons." [ [http://www.ibnlive.com/news/ahmd-blasts-us-national-gives-ats-the-slip-flees/71525-3.html] ] .
Haywood's departure from India came days after the Indian press had printed investigative pieces linking his firm, Campbell White, with an evangelical Christian church organization. Express Online reported that Campbell White's offices amounted to "two small adjoining rented rooms on the ground floor of Sanpada railway station complex in Navi Mumbai" while they doubled as "prayer rooms on Sundays and Thursdays for the Potter’s House" - a church based in Chandler, Arizona.
Investigations had established direct links between the majority of Campbell White's named personnel and figures in the Potter's House church, [ [http://szamko.gnn.tv/blogs/28955/Opening_the_Doors_of_hell_in_India] ] which is also known as Door Christian Ministries or Christian Fellowship Ministries (CFM). As stated above, Haywood had long been a preacher with CFM in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Despite this, on August 17th the Haywood family cleared customs and returned to the US. There are many different news articles in the Indian press exhonerating Haywood of any involvement E.g. [http://www.thehindu.com/2008/08/19/stories/2008081960271100.htm]
While the Haywoods hope to return to Mumbai in the near future. Kenneth Haywood is currently working on his first book due to be published in the coming weeks.
With regards to Haywood's lawsuit that he mentions in the above, Google: Life After Potters House and scroll down to "Potters House Law and view the three files regarding "Haywood's Perjury". This website also has a great deal of information regarding CFM. There are many other groups exposing them as well, some of which I have provided in the LINKS section.
If you wish to view only "Haywood's Perjury" files cut and paste to see:
www.geocities.com/life_after_potters_house/haywood.htm (Kenneth Haywood's Perjury June 6th, 1995)
www.geocities.com/life_after_potters_house/062895.htm (Haywood's Perjury in deposition, June 28th, 1995)
www.geocities.com/life_after_potters_house/062895b.htm (Haywood's deposition objection hearing, June 28th, 1995)
These files are from the official court documents, and his deposition. These reveal quite plainly that Mr. Haywood lied on the witness stand when he was asked about his relationship with CFM, and Wayman Mitchell.
His response was repeatedly "no affiliation" and "totally independent." Yet his written statement here reveals that his ties with CFM, Potters House, and Wayman Mitchell "were" fully established long before March of 1995 when he initiated this lawsuit against me and five others.
And I and my friends were denied a trial by jury to prove it. Instead we endured hearing after hearing for nealry four years, only to settle at Judge Flournoy's insistence and ultimately to our disadvantage. Yet Mr. Haywood's lies are clearly stated and written down in the official records. It amazes me to this day that Judge Flournoy did not see his statements for what they were-- nor did the AZ Court of Appeals.
Steve SchonerLife After Potters Housewww.geocities.com/life_after_potters_house
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