- The Siege of Rhodes
Inigo Jones ' pupil John Webb, to be painted on a backshutter for the first performance of Davenant's opera "The Siege of Rhodes" "in recitative music" in May1656 , atRutland House .] "The Siege of Rhodes" is anopera written to a text by theimpresario William Davenant . [http://www.hoasm.org/VIIA/Davenant.html] The score is by five composers, the vocal music byHenry Lawes , Matthew Locke, and CaptainHenry Cooke , and instrumental music by Charles Coleman and George Hudson. [Roger Parker, "The Oxford Illustrated History of Opera", Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994; pp. 39-40.] It is considered to be the first English opera.Part 1 of "The Siege of Rhodes" was first performed in a small private
theatre constructed at Davenant's homeRutland House in1656 . Special permission had to be obtained from thePuritan government ofOliver Cromwell as dramatic performances were outlawed and all public theatres closed. Davenant managed to obtain permission by calling the production "recitative music ", music being still permissible within the law. When it was published in 1656, it was under the equivocating title "The siege of Rhodes made a representation by the art of prospective in scenes, and the story sung in recitative musick, at the back part of Rutland-House in the upper end of Aldersgate-Street, London". The 1659 reprinting gives the location "at the Cock-pit inDrury Lane ", a well-known theatre frequented bySamuel Pepys after the Restoration (1660 ). The Rutland House production also includedEngland 's first professionalactress , Mrs. Coleman. [http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/4/1/2/4126/4126.txt]Part 2 of "The Siege of Rhodes" followed in the 1657–59 era, and was first published in 1663. [Terence P. Logan and Denzell S. Smith, eds., "The Later Jacobean and Caroline Dramatists: A Survey and Bibliography of Recent Studies in English Renaissance Drama," Lincoln, NE, University of Nebraska Press, 1978; pp. 203-4.]
The plot was based on the 1522 siege of Rhodes, when the island was besieged by the Ottoman fleet of
Suleiman the Magnificent . The score of the opera is believed to be lost. However, the original sketches by John Webb for the stage sets, themselves an innovation of the day, are extant.See also
* "
The Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru "
* "The History of Sir Francis Drake "
* "Lovers Made Men "
*Restoration spectacular References
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