- Pronghorn
name = Pronghorn
status = LC
status_system = iucn3.1
status_ref = [IUCN2006|assessors=Antelope Specialist Group|year=1996|id=1677|title=Antilocapra americana|downloaded=12 May 2006 ]
image_width = 280px
image_caption = A pronghorn near Fort Rock,Oregon
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Mammal ia
ordo =Artiodactyla
subordo =Ruminantia
infraordo =Pecora
familia =Antilocapridae
familia_authority = Gray, 1866
genus = "Antilocapra"
species = "A. americana"
binomial = "Antilocapra americana"
binomial_authority = Ord, 1815
subdivision_ranks = Subspecies
subdivision = "Antilocapra americana americana"
"Antilocapra americana mexicana "
"Antilocapra americana peninsularis "
"Antilocapra americana sonoriensis "The pronghorn ("Antilocapra americana"), also pronghorn antelope or prong buck, [Caton, J. D. (1876). [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0003-0147%28187604%2910%3A4%3C193%3ATAAOPB%3E2.0.CO%3B2-Y The American Antelope, or Prong Buck] "The American Naturalist" 10 (4): 193-205.] is a species of
ungulate mammal native to interior westernNorth America . It is the only surviving member of the family Antilocapridae.Smithsonian Institution. North American Mammals: [http://www.mnh.si.edu/mna/image_info.cfm?species_id=7 Pronghorn "Antilocapra americana"] ]Morphology
Adult males are 1.3–1.5 m (4 1/4-5 ft) long from nose to tail and stand 81–104 cm (2 5/8-3 3/8 ft) high at the shoulder, and weigh 40–60 kg (88-132 lb). The females are as long, but average slightly less heavy, 40–50 kg (88-110 lb). The main color of adults is brown or tan, with a white rump and belly and two white stripes on the throat. A short dark
mane grows along the neck, and males also sport a black mask and black patches on the sides of the neck. Thetail is short, 7.5–17.8 cm (average 13.5 cm) long. The feet have just two hooves, with nodewclaw s. The body temperature is 38.0 °C.Mammals of Texas: [http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/tmot1/antiamer.htm Pronghorn] ] Animal Diversity Web: [http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Antilocapra_americana.html "Antilocapra americana"] ] AnAge: [http://genomics.senescence.info/species/entry.php?id=02091 "Antilocapra americana"] ], the horn sheaths of the pronghorn are branched, each sheath possessing a forward pointing tine (hence the name pronghorn). The horns of males are well developed; in females, they are either small, misshapen, or absent.
The orbits (eye sockets) are prominent and sit high on the skull; there is never an
antorbital pit . The feet have only two digits; nodewclaw s are present. The teeth arehypsodont , and thedental formula is I 0/3, C 0/1, P 3/3, M 3/3 x 2 = 32.Clarifyme|date=September 2008Males have a prominent pair of horns on the top of the head, which are made up of an outer sheath of hairlike substance that grows around a bony core; the outer sheath is shed annually. Females antelope will occasionally grow horns. Males have a horn sheath about 12.5–43 cm (mean 25 cm) long with a prong. Females have smaller horns, ranging from 2.5–15 cm (average 12 cm), and sometimes barely visible; they are straight and very rarely pronged. Males are further differentiated from females in that males will have a small patch of black hair at the corner of the jawbone. Pronghorns have a distinct, musky odor. Males mark territory with a
scent gland located on the sides of the head. They also have very large eyes, with a 320 degree field of vision. Unlikedeer , pronghorns possess agallbladder .It can run exceptionally fast, being built for maximum
predator evasion through running, and is generally accepted to be the fastest land mammal in theNew World . The top speed is very hard to measure accurately and varies between individuals; it is variously cited as up to 70 km/h, 72 km/h, or 86 km/h. It is often cited as the second-fastest land animal, second only to thecheetah .Klessius, M. (2007). Losing Ground. "National Geographic" 211 (1): 22. ISSN 0027-9358] It can however sustain high speeds longer than cheetahs. The pronghorn probablyFact|date=September 2008 evolved its running ability to escape from the recently extinctAmerican cheetah , since its speed greatly exceeds that of extant North American predators. It has a very large heart and lungs, and their hair is hollow. Although built for speed, it is a very poor jumper. Their ranges are often affected by sheep ranchers' fences. However, they can be seen going under fences, sometimes at high speed. For this reason the Arizona Antelope Foundation and others are in the process of removing the bottom barbed wire from the fences, and/or installing a barbless bottom wire.Gaits used by the pronghorn include the highly distinctive pronk, a
leaping gait .Distribution
Pronghorns were brought to scientific notice by the
Lewis and Clark Expedition , which found them in what is nowSouth Dakota ,USA . The range extends from southernSaskatchewan andAlberta inCanada south through theUnited States (southwesternMinnesota and centralTexas west to northeasternCalifornia ), toSonora andSan Luis Potosí in northernMexico , with a small disjunct population in northernBaja California Sur .The subspecies known as the
Sonoran pronghorn ("Antilocapra americana sonoriensis") occurs inArizona andMexico . Other subspecies include theMexican Pronghorn ("A. a. mexicana") and the critically endangeredBaja California Pronghorn ("A. a. peninsularis").Bands of pronghorns live in open grasslands, forming small single-sex groups in spring and summer, and gathering into large mixed herds, sometimes up to 1,000 strong, in the fall and winter; they may migrate up to 160 km to avoid deep winter snow.
Pronghorns live primarily in
grassland s but also in brushland anddesert s. They eat a wide variety of plant foods, often including plants that are unpalatable or toxic to domesticlivestock (sheep andcattle ) though they also compete with these for food. In one studyforb s comprised 62% of the diet,shrub s 23%, and grasses 15%, while in another, cacti comprised 40%, grass 22%, forbs 20%, and shrubs 18%.Reproductive ecology
Pronghorns have a gestation period of 235 days, longer than is typical for North American ungulates. They breed in mid-September, and the doe carries her fawn until late May. This is around six weeks longer than the
white-tailed deer . Newborn pronghorns weigh 2–4 kg, most commonly 3 kg. Sexual maturity is reached at 15 to 16 months, though males rarely breed until 3 years old. The longevity is typically up to 10 years, rarely 15 years.Population and conservation
By 1908, hunting pressure had reduced the pronghorn population to about 20,000. Protection of habitat and hunting restrictions have allowed their numbers to recover to 500,000. There has been some recent decline, possibly due to overgrazing by sheep; pronghorn populations cannot maintain themselves successfully where sheep numbers are kept high.
Cougars, Wolves,
coyote s andbobcat s are the majorpredator s.Golden eagle s have been reported to prey on fawns.Pronghorns are now numerous enough that they exceed the human population in all of
Wyoming and parts of northernColorado . It is widely hunted in western states for purposes of population control and food, as the meat is rich and lean.Three subspecies are considered endangered in all ("A. a. sonoriensis", "A. a. peninsularis"), or part of their ranges ("A. a. mexicana").
Other species
During the
Pleistocene period, 12 antilocaprid species existed in North America; all but "A. americana" are nowextinct .ee also
Antilocapridae References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.