White Order of Thule

White Order of Thule

The White Order of Thule was a loosely organized society formed in the mid-1990s by federal prisoner Peter Georgacarakos, art school graduate Michael LujanGoodrick-Clarke 2003: 231.] and New Age occultist, Joseph Kerrick.Rudgley 2007: 228.] It described itself as an "esoteric brotherhood working toward the revitalization of the Culture-Soul of the European people". The Southern Poverty Law Center has described it as a racist hate group based in Deer Park, Washington. [ [http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp?pid=487 SPLCenter.org: Pagans and Prison ] ] The group ceased publication of their newsletter "The Abyss" and announced that they were disbanding in 2000. [ [http://www.tkb.org/Group.jsp?groupID=4334 MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base ] ]


Members of the White Order of Thule (WOT), followed pre-Christian beliefs as represented by the ancient Celts, Norse, Greeks, Slavs, Romans and other ancient Indo-European peoples. WOT followers generally adhered to Odinism and other forms of Indo-European Paganism, which they asserted was "a spiritual way of life, based on the Nordic ancestral mythos; or the collective beliefs and folk-consciousness of the Aryan people."

Odinism, when practiced by Nazis, focuses on the rejection of what they see as Jewish-influenced Christianity; the embrace of an "indigenous faith" rooted in pre-Christian Indo-European warrior cultures; and the oneness of the Aryan race with nature.

National Socialism and other racist and anti-Semitic ideologies have tremendous appeal to white supremacist Odinists, who allege that many prominent Nazis practiced a form of Odinism in Nazi Germany. Many white supremacists in prisons practice the racist version of Odinism. [ [http://www.adl.org/learn/felton/thule.asp Two with Ties to White Supremacy Suspected in Plot to Bomb Boston Sites ] ]


Membership of the order, limited to individuals of European descent over 18 years of age. Individuals seeking to join were required to send a 500 word autobiography including their views on culture, spirituality, history and politics. If deemed suitable, they would be sent an applicationAside from the "Degrees of Membership" and the "Membership Manual" the order suggested as study material works such as "Mein Kampf", "Imperium", "Beyond Good And Evil", "Might Is Right", "Siege" and "Revolt Against The Modern World". [ [http://www.publiceye.org/racism/white-supremacy.html#Thule PublicEye.org - White Supremacists in the U.S ] ]



* Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. 2003. "Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity". New York: New York University Press. ISBN 0-8147-3155-4.
* Rudgley, Richard. 2007. "Pagan Resurrection: A Force for Evil or the Future of Western Spirituality?" London: Arrow Books. ISBN 978-0-099-28119-1.

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