

aggA is a gene locus found in plant-associated bacteria that agglutinate. See agglutination (biology).

Agga may refer to:

* Agga, a character in "", a Doctor Who novel
* Agga, variant spelling of Aga of Kish, a king of Kish
* Agga Olsen, European actress whose best known work is "Smilla's Sense of Snow", a 1997 film

Agga means 'chief' or 'foremost' in Burmese, and may refer to:
* Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma (Grand Commander) of the Thiri Thudhamma Thingaha (Order of Truth)
* Agga Maha Thray Sithu (Grand Commander) of the Pyidaungsu Sithu Thingaha (Order of the Union of Burma)
* Agga Maha Thray Sithu Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma, also known as Sao Shwe Thaik, first president of the Union of Burma

Agga may also refer to:
* Aunt Agga, an agony aunt persona used by Lillian Too, a feng shui expert
* "Spaceship Agga Ruter", a 1998 hentai film series directed by Masaki Kajishima

AgGa is silver gallium, an ion that forms many compounds, some of which are used in lasers.

AGGA may refer to:

* "Agalinis gattingeri", the roundstem false foxglove plant (USDA code: AGGA)
* AGGA, a common DNA sequence
* Aggregate access, an Internet protocol formally known as Aggregate Server Access Protocol
* Auki Airport, in the Solomon Islands (IACO code: AGGA)

See also:

* Aga
* "Agadoo doo doo", a nonsense lyric from 1984 novelty song "Agadoo"
* Agar, a gelatinous substance used in confectionery and microbiology
* AGGAGG, the Shine-Dalgarno sequence of DNA base pairs. AGGAGGA is the "Escherichia coli" Shine-Dalgarno sequence
* Aggar, a 2007 Bollywood film
* Agge
* Agger, a Roman embankment
* Agha

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