Cebu FA

Cebu FA

Football club infobox
clubname = Cebu FA

fullname = Cebu Football Association
nickname =
founded = 1961
ground =
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chairman =
manager =
league = PFF Men's Open
PFF Women's Open
season =
position =
The Cebu Football Association is a Filipino football association based in Cebu City. It works under the Philippine Football Federation as Provincial Football Association for the Cebu province area. The Cebu FA sends a team to represent the region in the yearly PFF National Men's Open Championship and PFF National Women's Open Championship.

Clubs under the Cebu FA

*Crazy Horse FC
*Don Bosco Alumni FC (est. 2001)
*Hiroshi FC
*Hellhoundz United
*International XP
*Magone FC
*Mulbachs FC
*Queen City United FC
*San Roque FC
*University of San Jose - Recoletos
*University of Southern Philippines Foundation
*Wild Cebu Fashion FC

ee also

*List of football clubs in the Philippines

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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