People's Liberation Army — 中国人民解放军 Emblem of the People s Liberation Army Founded August 1, 1927 Service branches … Wikipedia
Unrestricted Warfare (book) — Unrestricted Warfare (超限战, literally warfare beyond bounds ) is a book on military strategy written in 1999 by two colonels in the People s Liberation Army, Qiao Liang (乔良) and Wang Xiangsui. Its primary concern is how a nation such as China can… … Wikipedia
Asymmetric warfare — originally referred to war between two or more belligerents whose relative military power differs significantly. Contemporary military thinkers tend to broaden this to include asymmetry of strategy or tactics; today asymmetric warfare can… … Wikipedia
List of military writers — This is a list of military writers, alphabetical by last name.See also list of military theorists. * Herodotus * Thucydides *Aeneas Tacticus * Xenophon *Polyaenus * Vegetius * Leo VI the Wise, Byzantine emperor ( Taktika ) * Niccolò Machiavelli ( … Wikipedia
IWar — iWar, is the term used by NATO to describe a form of Internet based warfare. [ [ NATO: “iWar”: A new threat, its convenience – and our increasing vulnerability] ] iWar… … Wikipedia
Ben Laden — Oussama ben Laden Oussama ben Laden Naissance 10 mars 1957 (52 ans) Riyad … Wikipédia en Français
Ben laden — Oussama ben Laden Oussama ben Laden Naissance 10 mars 1957 (52 ans) Riyad … Wikipédia en Français
Bin Laden — Oussama ben Laden Oussama ben Laden Naissance 10 mars 1957 (52 ans) Riyad … Wikipédia en Français
Bin laden — Oussama ben Laden Oussama ben Laden Naissance 10 mars 1957 (52 ans) Riyad … Wikipédia en Français
Houssama benladen — Oussama ben Laden Oussama ben Laden Naissance 10 mars 1957 (52 ans) Riyad … Wikipédia en Français