- Battle of Tucumán
Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=Battle of Tucumán
partof=Argentine War of Independence
date=September 24 and 25,1812
place=Tucumán ,Argentina
result=United Provinces' victory
combatant1=flagicon|Argentina|altUnited Provinces of South America
combatant2=flagicon|Spain|1813Spanish Empire
commander1=flagicon|Argentina|altManuel Belgrano
commander2=flagicon|Spain|1813Pío de Tristán
Hispanic American wars of independence
Royalist territories in red] The Battle of Tucumán was abattle fough on24 September and25 September 1812 near the Argentine city ofSan Miguel de Tucumán , during theArgentine War of Independence . TheArmy of the North , commanded by generalManuel Belgrano , defeated the royalist troops commanded by generalPío de Tristán , who had a two-to-one advantage in numbers, halting the royalist advance on Argentina's Nortwhest. Together with theBattle of Salta , on20 February 1813 , the victory at Tucumán allowed the Argentine troops to reaffirm the borders under their control.Prologue
Upper Peru region (present-dayBolivia ), was again under royalist control after the rebel defeat at Huaqui, where the inexperienced commanderJuan José Castelli could not confront Tristán's troops.The orders from the First Triumvirate had placed Belgrano in command of the Army of the North on
27 February 1812 , headquartered in Jujuy. From there Belgrano attempted to raise themorale of the troops after the defeat at Huaqui. Under that effort on 25 May he raised in Jujuy the new flag he had created a few months back, and had it blessed in Jujuy's Cathedral by father Juan Ignacio de Gorriti.He soon realized did not have enough strength to defend the city, and on
23 August he ordered a massive retreat of all the civilian population to the interior ofTucumán Province in what was later known as theÉxodo Jujeño . Civilians and military men retreated, destroying anything that could be of value to the royalists. When the Spaniards entered the city, they found it empty: quote|"It was deserted and in ruins, and I was horrified of the sad image of those empty houses and those silent streets after the joyful images from times gone by". Tristán wrote to Goyeneche: "Belgrano cannot be forgiven..." tells a historian.On orders from the Triumvirate the Army of the north had to create a stronghold in Córdoba. Instead, Belgrano had the idea of stopping farther north in Tucumán, where the local population was eager to support the army. The
3 September victory at the Battle of Las Piedras between his rearguard and two advance royalist columns confirmed his ideas. He captured the column commander, colonel Huici and about twenty soldiers. He sentJuan Ramón Balcarce towards the city, ordering him to recruit and train as much as possible acavalry troop from the local militia, with letters to hte rich and powerful Aráoz family of one of his officers,lieutenant Gregorio Aráoz de Lamadrid .The decision: consolidate or give battle
Balcarce's mission, along with the rumours that his army was retreating to Córdoba, caused consternation in the city. The Cabildo bells rang and the legislaturem, in public session decided to sent three representatives — officers Bernabé Aráoz and Rudecindo Alvarado and the priest doctor
Pedro Miguel Aráoz — to Belgrano, to ask that he fouth the Spanish at Tucumán. Arriving in Tucumán on13 September , Belgrano met Balcarce with 400 men — without uniforms and only lances for weapons, but well organized — and the city ready to support them. Belgrano, historians say, did not need more than that pretext to disobey the Triumvirate's retreat orders and stay. He said he would stay if they supplied him with 1,500 cavalry troops, and if they gave him 20,000 silver pesos for the troops, amounts that the legislature decide to duplicate. Therefore he ignored the Triunvirate's orders of retreat and he entrenched in Tucumán.At the same time, the royalist army had difficulties in advancing, not finding in the scorched earth tactics supplies or places to stay and rest. Local irregulars organized by the militias were harassing them constantly. Not until
23 September when from the village of Los Nogales, from where he saw Tucumán, Tristán received the news that the rebel army was in the city and ready to do battle.Combat
In the morning of the 24th, Tristán ordered a march towards the city. Sources say that instead of taking the straight road in, he rounded the central plaza from the South, attempting to prevent a possible rebel towards the South. Others say that in the village of Los Pocitos he found the burning fields, ordered by
Dragoons Lieutenant Lamadrid, who counted on the fierceness of the fire and the wind to disorganize the Spanish column.In the meantime and taking advantage of the confusion created by the fire, Belgrano — who had placed his troops in the very early morning at the North side of the town — had changed his front facing West, counting on having a clear image of Tristán's troop movements. Once he saw them, the quick advance over Tristán's flank barely gave him time to reorganize his front and mount the artillery formation.
Belgrano had organized his cavalry in two wings; the right commanded by Balcarce, was the bigger of the two, as it included the local gaucho troops recently recruited.
The infantry was divided in three columns, commanded by colonel
José Superí All of their names are commemorated with street names in Buenos Aires] on the left, captainIgnacio Warnes at the center, and captainCarlos Forest on the right, plus a section of dragoons supporting the cavalry. A fourth reserve column commanded by lieutenant colonelManuel Dorrego ; and baron Eduardo Kaunitz of Holmberg who commanded theartillery , was placed between the infantry columns, but too divided in between them to be effective.The artillery initiated the battle, bombarding the "Cotabambas" and "Abancay" battalions, who responded with a
bayonet charge. Belgranó ordered a response by having Warnes charge with his infantry, along with the cavalry reserve of captain Antonio Rodríguez, while Balcarce's cavalry charged over Tristán's left flank. The charge had a formidable effect. With lances pointed, and making loud sounds and shouts they made the royalist cavalry of "Tarija" to disband at their charge, retreating over their own infantry and disorganizing it to the point that, almost without resistance, the rebel cavalry reached the enemy's rearguard.It is impossible to know what effect charging from there in a
pincer movement would have had with a rebel force composed of country folk without military discipline. A good portion of the gaucho cavalry broke formation to capture themule s loaded with supplies, including coiuns and precious metals from the royalist army. They therefore negated their use of supplies and ammunition. Only the Dragoons and regular cavalry under Balcarce stayed in formation at the front, but the loss of their supplies andbaggage was enough to disorganize the royalist wing.On the other side of the front the results were very different where Belgrano was fighting. The royalist's cavalry and infantry advance, was unstoppable with colonel Superí being taken as prisoner. Even though the strength of the centrl column allowed the rebels to regain terrain and release Superí, but the unequal advances fractured the front crating a confused battle, where the commanders had trouble to see what was happening and often the decision where taken by the local unit officers in the heat of battle. At that time a swarm of
locust appeared on the fields, which obscured the battlefield and confused the soldiers.Tristán attempted to retreat to organize his troops; abandoning his artillery, and in the course found Dorrego's column, while virtually unprotected. Along with a troop of infantry of
Eustaquio Díaz Vélez , they recovered thirty ninewagon s loaded with arms and ammunition which were taken to the city, along with the canon they could push. The rebels also took many prisoners and the flags of the "Cotabambas", "Abancay" and "Real de Lima" regiments.Belgrano, at the time not knowing the result, was attempting to reorganize his troops when he found colonel
José Moldes , who was his main observer. Both then found Paz, and through him what remained of the cavalry. Balcarce joined them a while later, being the first to be bold and qualify the battle as a victory, judging by the body-covered field and Spanish equipment remains, even though they did not yet know the fate of the main infantry regiments and what was happening inside the city. It took general Belgrano the rest of the afternoon to reorganize the troops.At the same time, Tristán was evaluating the loss of his ammunition, most of his artillery and supplies; then he ordered the rest of his troops which had lost more than a thousand men between dead and wounded, to form and advance on the city and demand their surrender under threat of burning it. Díaz Vélez and Dorrego, strong in the city by now, responded by threatening with the killing of tghe prisoners, including four colonels, if Tristán made good on his threat.
The Spaniard spent the night outside, in doubt over the course to follow; then the following morning he found Belgrano's troops at his rear, who demanded his surrender through colonel Moldes. The royalist commander responded that "the King's soldiers do not surrender", so Tristán retreated towards Salta, while being followed and harassed by 600 men commanded by Díaz Vélez.
"Even though the victory at Tucumán —writes Mitre— was the result of unforeseen circumstances", it earns Belgrano "the glory of having won a battle against all probability and against the wishes of his own government".
The materiel abandoned by the Spaniards —13 canons, 358 muskets, 39 wagons, 70 ammunition boxes and 87 tents— woulkd serve the Army of the North in the subsequent campaign. 450 royalists lost their lives in combat and 690, between officers and soldiers, were captured as prisoners. On their side, the defenders only had 80 dead and 200 wounded.
27 October they celebrated a thanksgivingmass ; in the procession that carried the statue of the "Virgen de las Mercedes" ("Our Lady of Mercy"), Belgrano deposited his command baton, proclaiming the saint as "General of his Army".Moldes and Holmberg would leave the army, but he would gain
Juan Antonio Álvarez de Arenales , with whom Belgrano would start on12 January the march to wardsSalta , where the royalists had entrenched.The victory consolidated the work of the revolution and spared momentarily the danger of a disaster for the rebel forces. If the patriot army would have retreated as ordered, the North Provinces would have been lost to the enemy whom, controlling a vast territory, would have reached Córdoba, where it would have been easier to receive the help from the royalists at the "Banda Oriental" (today's
Uruguay ) and the Portuguese troops fromBrazil .The victory also had important political consequences, as Belgrano — who had allies in the
Logia Lautaro — had defeated the invader against orders from his government and vindicating the requests of the oposicion, when the asked for help to be sent to the Army of the North. In Buenos Aires, three days after the victory was known, the First Triumvirate was overthrown in the October 8th Revolution.The Second Triumvirate allowed the army soldiers to wear a medal with the inscription: "La Patria a su defensor en Tucumán" ("The Motherland to the defenders of Tucumán"); and also ordered that the name sof the soldiers be inscribed in the book of honor of the respective Cabildos of Buenos Aires and Tucumán. Belgrano was promoted to Captain General, but he declined the honor.
*External Links
* [http://www.camdipsalta.gov.ar/INFSALTA/batallatucu.htm Portal Informativo de Salta]
* [http://www.laguia2000.com/argentina/la-batalla-de-tucuman LaGuía2000]
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