DEREVO is a physical theatre company inspired by Butoh founded by Anton Adasinsky in 1988 in St. Petersburg (former Leningrad), Russia, later in Prague, Czech Republic and now based in Dresden, Germany since 1996.[1]

They have performed throughout Europe, Russia and the UK, as well as in the United States and at festivals in South Korea, Japan and Brazil. They have produced a 16 mm film Süd. Grenze,[2] music CDs, photography books etc.

Founding members of DEREVO include: Anton Adasinsky (earlier he had been frontman, choreographer and played various instruments in the Soviet rock band AVIA and a member of Slava Polunin's pantomime theatre Litsedeyi); Tanya Khabarova; Dmitry Tyulpanov; Alexey Merkushev and Elena Yarovaya. DEREVO have collaborated with: Oleg Zhukovsky, Adam Read, Yael Karavan, Roman Dubinnikov (composer, percussionist, sound designer), Andrey Sizintsev (composer, percussionist, sound designer), Daniel Williams (composer, pianist/keyboards, sound designer), Falk Dittrich (lighting designer), Sergey Jakovsky (lighting designer).


DEREVO have received:

  • Total Theatre Award, Fringe First, Herald Angel and Herald Archangel at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe
  • Support prise for performing arts of Academy of Arts in Berlin
  • Prix du Jury de Presse at the International Festival of contemporary mime - MIMOS, Périgueux (France)
  • The Golden Mask, a theatrical award in Russia


  1. ^ Hulec, Vladimír (2005). "Improvised Theatre: Today's Major Experimental Trend". The Heart of Europe (4): pp. 26–29. ISSN 1210�7727. Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  2. ^ Süd. Grenze

External links

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