- Gromov–Witten invariant
mathematics , specifically insymplectic topology andalgebraic geometry , Gromov–Witten (GW) invariants arerational number s that, in certain situations, countpseudoholomorphic curve s meeting prescribed conditions in a givensymplectic manifold . The GW invariants may be packaged as a homology orcohomology class in an appropriate space, or as the deformedcup product ofquantum cohomology . These invariants have been used to distinguish symplectic manifolds that were previously indistinguishable. They also play a crucial role in closed type IIAstring theory . They are named forMikhail Gromov andEdward Witten .The rigorous mathematical definition of Gromov-Witten invariants is lengthy and difficult, so it is treated separately in the
stable map article. This article attempts a more intuitive explanation of what the invariants mean, how they are computed, and why they are important.Definition
Fix a closed symplectic manifold X of dimension 2k. Let A be a two-dimensional homology class in X, and g and n any
natural number s (including zero). Let ar M_{g, n} be theDeligne-Mumford moduli space of curves of genus g with n marked points. For some chosen almost complex structure "J" on "X" compatible with its symplectic form, let ar M_{g, n}(X, A) be the moduli space of stable maps into X of class A. The elements of this space are of the form C, j, (x_1, ldots, x_n)), f), where C, j, (x_1, ldots, x_n)) is a (not necessarily stable) curve with "n" marked points x_1, ldots, x_n and f : C o X is pseudoholomorphic. The moduli space has real dimension:d := 2 c_1^X (A) + (2k - 6) (1 - g) + 2 n.Let:mathrm{st}(C, j, (x_1, ldots, x_n)) in ar M_{g, n}denote the stabilization of the curve. Let:Y := ar M_{g, n} imes X^n,which has real dimension 6g - 6 + 2 k n. There is an evaluation
mathrm{ev} : ar M_{g, n}(X, A) o Ydefined by:mathrm{ev}((C, j, (x_1, ldots, x_n)), f) = left(mathrm{st}(C, j, (x_1, ldots, x_n)), (f(x_1), ldots, f(x_n)) ight).The evaluation map sends thefundamental class of M to a d-dimensional rational homology class in Y, denoted:GW_{g, n}^{X, A} in H_d(Y, mathbb{Q}).In a sense, this homology class is the Gromov–Witten invariant of X for the data g, n, and A. It is an invariant of the symplectic isotopy class of the symplectic manifold X.To interpret the Gromov–Witten invariant geometrically, let eta be a homology class in ar M_{g, n} and alpha_1, ldots, alpha_n homology classes in X, such that the sum of the codimensions of eta, alpha_1, ldots, alpha_n equals d. These induce homology classes in Y by the
Künneth formula . Let:GW_{g, n}^{X, A}(eta, alpha_1, ldots, alpha_n) := GW_{g, n}^{X, A} cdot eta cdot alpha_1 cdot cdots cdot alpha_n in H_0(Y, mathbb{Q}),where cdot denotes the intersection product in the rational homology of Y. This is a rational number, the Gromov–Witten invariant for the given classes. This number gives a "virtual" count of the number of pseudoholomorphic curves (in the class A, of genus g, with domain in the eta-part of the Deligne-Mumford space) whose n marked points are mapped to cycles representing the alpha_i.Put simply, a GW invariant counts how many curves there are that intersect n chosen submanifolds of X. However, due to the "virtual" nature of the count, it need not be a natural number, as one might expect a count to be. For the space of stable maps is an
orbifold , whose points of isotropy can contribute noninteger values to the invariant.There are numerous variations on this construction, in which cohomology is used instead of homology, integration replaces intersection,
Chern class es pulled back from the Deligne-Mumford space are also integrated, etc.Computational techniques
Gromov-Witten invariants are generally difficult to compute. While they are defined for any generic almost complex structure J, for which the
linearization D of the ar partial_{j, J}operator issurjective , they must actually be computed with respect to a specific, chosen J. It is most convenient to choose J with special properties, such as nongeneric symmetries or integrability. Indeed, computations are often carried out onKähler manifold s using the techniques of algebraic geometry.However, a special J may induce a nonsurjective D and thus a moduli space of pseudoholomorphic curves that is larger than expected. Loosely speaking, one corrects for this effect by forming from the
cokernel of D avector bundle , called the obstruction bundle, and then realizing the GW invariant as the integral of theEuler class of the obstruction bundle. Making this idea precise requires significant technical argument usingpolyfold s.The main computational technique is localization. This applies when X is toric, meaning that it is acted upon by a complex torus, or at least locally toric. Then one can use the
Atiyah–Bott fixed-point theorem , of Atiyah and Bott, to reduce, or localize, the computation of a GW invariant to an integration over the fixed-point locus of the action.Another approach is to employ symplectic surgeries to relate X to one or more other spaces whose GW invariants are more easily computed. Of course, one must first understand how the invariants behave under the surgeries. For such applications one often uses the more elaborate relative GW invariants, which count curves with prescribed tangency conditions along a symplectic submanifold of X of real codimension two.
Related invariants and other constructions
The Gromov-Witten invariants are closely related to a number of other concepts in geometry, including the
Donaldson invariant s andSeiberg-Witten invariant s. For compact symplectic four-manifolds,Clifford Taubes showed that a variant of the Gromov-Witten invariants (seeTaubes's Gromov invariant ) are equivalent to the Seiberg-Witten invariants. They are conjectured to contain the same information asDonaldson-Thomas invariant s andGopakumar-Vafa invariant s, both of which are integer-valued.GW invariants can also be defined using the language of algebraic geometry. In some cases, GW invariants agree with classical enumerative invariants of algebraic geometry. However, in general GW invariants enjoy one important advantage over the enumerative invariants, namely the existence of a composition law which describes how curves glue. The GW invariants can be bundled up into the quantum cohomology ring of the manifold X, which is a deformation of the ordinary cohomology. The composition law of GW invariants is what makes the deformed cup product associative.
The quantum cohomology ring is known to be isomorphic to the symplectic
Floer homology with its pair-of-pants product.Application in physics
Gromov-Witten invariants are of interest in string theory, a branch of physics that attempts to unify
general relativity andquantum mechanics . In this theory, everything in the universe, beginning with theelementary particle s, is made of tiny strings. As a string travels through spacetime it traces out a surface, called the worldsheet of the string. Unfortunately, the moduli space of such parametrized surfaces, at least "a priori", is infinite-dimensional; no appropriate measure on this space is known, and thus the path integrals of the theory lack a rigorous definition.The situation improves in the variation known as closed A model
topological string theory . Here there are six spacetime dimensions, which constitute a symplectic manifold, and it turns out that the worldsheets are necessarily parametrized by pseudoholomorphic curves, whose moduli spaces are only finite-dimensional. Gromov-Witten invariants, as integrals over these moduli spaces, are then path integrals of the theory. In particular, the free energy of the A model at genus "g" is thegenerating function of the genus "g" Gromov-Witten invariants.References
* McDuff, Dusa & Salamon, Dietmar (2004). "J-Holomorphic Curves and Symplectic Topology", American Mathematical Society colloquium publications. ISBN 0-8218-3485-1.
* Piunikhin, Sergey; Salamon, Dietmar & Schwarz, Matthias (1996). Symplectic Floer-Donaldson theory and quantum cohomology. In C. B. Thomas (Ed.), "Contact and Symplectic Geometry", pp. 171–200. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-57086-7
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