Siege of Angband

Siege of Angband

The Siege of Angband or "The Long Peace" in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth fictional universe, was the siege of the Noldor around the fortress of Morgoth in the early centuries of the Years of the Sun, which began following the Dagor Aglareb. For the most part it was a time of plentitude, peace and happiness for Elves and Men. The Long Peace lasted hundreds of years; during which time Men arrived over the Blue Mountains and the skill and prowess of the Nolder reached its peak.

Fingolfin and Fingon kept watch from Hithlum; Finrod and then Orodreth from Tol Sirion; Angrod and Aegnor from Dorthonion; and the sons of Fëanor watched the east.

The siege was incomplete, as Morgoth was still capable of sending out various forces through secret passages extending out from the towers of Thangorodrim to harass the Elves and to spy out Beleriand.

In one of these attacks, the first dragon, Glaurung, attacked. Immediately the best part of the Elven forces were driven back. However, the dragon was not fully grown yet, and had much weaker armour. Fingon, leading a force of horse archers, was able to drive the dragon back to Angband, and won great praise from the other elves. What the elves failed to realise was how dangerous this new creature could be.

Afterwards, the Noldor grew strong enough, and later task forces posed no significant threat. However, the Noldor and their allies possessed insufficient force to assault Angband directly. After about four hundred years, the Siege was broken and the age of peace ended in was to be known as the Dagor Bragollach; an onslaught of fire and ash Morgoth issued from Thangorodrim. Among this time the siege defiled Lake Helevorn, which was the shore of Thargelion.



ee also

*Middle-earth warfare

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