- Primož
Primož is a
male given name , theSouth Slavic form of theLatin "Primus ", meaning "first" or "best". Sequential birth-order numerical names were a Roman custom; a male firstborn might be named "Primus", a third-born tertia "Tertia", a fifth-born son "Quintus", etc. The name Primož has Slavified eqivalents in "Prvan", "Prvin" and "Prvoslav".Slovene variants
Primo are Primoš both archaic or obsolete variants.
List of people named Primož
Primož Benko , Slovene guitarist
*Primož Brezec , Slovene basketballer
*Primož Jakopin , Slovene computer scientist
*Primož Kozmus , Slovene athlete and Olympian
*Primož Kuret , Slovene musicologist
*Primož Lorenz , Slovene pianist
*Primož Parovel , Slovene harmonica player
*Primož Peterka , Slovene ski-jumper
*Primož Trubar , Slovene protestant reformer and priestReferences
* "Leksikon imen" ("Lexicon of Names") by Janez Keber COBISS|ID=57356032
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.