

Campingkirche is a German term for church service during summer holiday. The Lutheran and Roman Catholic churches in Germany offer spiritual guidance and church services on campsites. [citation |title=Tourismusseelsorge / Campingkirche |url= |publisher=Evangelische Landeskirche in Baden | accessdate=2008-08-18 de icon ] [ citation |title=Campingkirche |url= |publisher=Erzbischöfliche Seelsorgeamt Freiburg | accessdate=2008-08-18 de icon] Some have existed for more than 25 years. [citation |last=Macherauch |first=Thomas |title=Campingkirche im Freizeitcenter Oberrhein feiert 25-jähriges Bestehen |date=2003-08-10 |url= |publisher=Konradsblatt Erzbistum Freiburg| accessdate=2008-08-18 de icon]


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