- Stan Storimans
Stanislaus N.I.M. (Stan) Storimans (
January 8 1969 Tilburg -August 12 2008 Gori, Georgia ) was a Dutch RTL TV cameraman. He had planned to publish a book describing his 20 years of reporting from hotspots likeAfghanistan ,Congo ,Indonesia ,Iraq ,Sri Lanka , the formerZaire and the formerYugoslavia , among others.Storimans was killed instantly by bombing in the Georgian city of Gori during the
2008 South Ossetia war . [http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/LC344627.htm Blasts rock Georgian town Gori, several dead] ,Reuters , 2008-08-12, access date 2008-08-17] Seven others were wounded in the attack, including a Dutchcorrespondent for RTL,Jeroen Akkermans , while theIsrael i journalistZadok Yehezkeli was seriously wounded and evacuated to Israel for treatment after surgery inTbilisi . A Georgian journalist and his driver were also reported killed, [ [http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/world/view/20080812-154197/Georgian-journalist-driver-killed-in-Gori--witness Georgian journalist, driver killed in Gori--witness] ,AFP , 08/12/2008] as were at least two other people. The bomb hit an area near the media centre that had been set up on the roof of the city's television and radio centre. [http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/08/12/news/Georgia-Journalist-Killed.php Dutch journalist killed in Russian bombing of Gori] ,Associated Press , August 12, 2008]Human Rights Watch has reported it found the evidence thatcluster bomb has been used by theRussia ns in the attack which killed Storimans. [ [http://www.hrw.org/english/docs/2008/08/14/georgi19625.htm Georgia: Russian Cluster Bombs Kill Civilians; Stop Using Weapon Banned by 107 Nations] ,Human Rights Watch , August 15, 2008] The initialReuters report that their analysis of the footage from the scene shows that the explosions may have come from mortar fire. [http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/LC344627.htm Blasts rock Georgian town Gori, several dead] ,Reuters , 2008-08-12, access date 2008-08-17]Sandra E. Roelofs , the Dutch born wife of Georgian PresidentMikheil Saakashvili , announced that she will attend Storimans' funeral. The Dutch member of parliament and Foreign Affairs spokesmanHarry van Bommel said that Foreign MinisterMaxime Verhagen summoned the Russian ambassador for clarification regarding reports of alleged use of cluster bombs by Russian forces in Georgia; he also urged the Dutch government to persuade the Russians to sign theConvention on Cluster Munitions . [ [http://international.sp.nl/bericht/27450/080815-georgia_sp_demands_clarification_as_russians_are_accused_of_use_of_cluster_bombs.html Georgia: SP demands clarification as Russians are accused of use of cluster bombs] ,Socialist Party (Netherlands) , August 15th, 2008]References
External links
*nl icon [http://www.rtl.nl/(/actueel/rtlnieuws/binnenland/articleview/)/components/actueel/rtlnieuws/2008/08_augustus/12/binnenland/0812_1230_necro_stan_storimans.xml 'Stan was de beste collega die ik had'] , RTL, 14 August 2008
* [http://media.smh.com.au/?rid=40443 Journalist killed in Georgia] , "
Sydney Morning Herald ", 2008-08-13 (graphic images)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.