- Episcia
image_width = 200px
image_caption = "Episcia reptans "
regnum =Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Lamiales
familia =Gesneriaceae
genus = "Episcia""Episcia" is a genus of about 8 species belonging to the
flowering plant familyGesneriaceae . The species are found in the tropical regions ofCentral America andSouth America (frequently cultivated elsewhere and sometimes naturalizing in tropical regions). The species are perennialherbaceous plants characterized by a stoloniferous habit, red (rarely orange, pink, blue or yellow) flowers, and frequently have marked or patterned leaves. They are grown in the tropics, and in temperate regions as houseplants, primarily for their attractive foliage. Numerous cultivars have been produced, primarily by selection and hybridization of the species "E. cupreata" and "E. reptans".For much of the
Twentieth Century "Episcia" had a broad circumscription but since 1978 has been restricted to a much narrower one, with the genera "Paradrymonia ", "Chrysothemis ", "Nautilocalyx ", and "Alsobia " separated from it. The segregation of these genera from "Episcia" has been supported in recent molecular phylogenies.Episcias are sometimes called "Flame violets".
*Wiehler, H. 1978. The genera "Episcia", "Alsobia", "Nautilocalyx", and "Paradrymonia" (Gesneriaceae). "Selbyana" 5: 11-60.
External links
* [http://www.botanik.univie.ac.at/morphology/genera_gesneriaceae/genera/episcia.htm "Episcia"] from [http://www.botanik.univie.ac.at/morphology/genera_gesneriaceae/index.htm The Genera of Gesneriaceae]
* [http://gesneriads.ca/genepis.htm "Episcia" and "Alsobia"] from the [http://gesneriads.ca Gesneriad Reference Web]
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