La 1/2 Docena

La 1/2 Docena

La 1/2 Docena is an Emmy-Nominated Costa Rican comedy group formed by Mario Chacon, Erik Hernández, Edgar Murillo and Daniel Moreno. Some of their projects are "El Show de La 1/2 Docena" and "La 1/2 Docena en el teatro".


La 1/2 Docena, Its origin

The first encounter by Mario Chacon, Erik Hernandez, Daniel Moreno and Edgar Murillo, members of La 1 / 2 Docena, was in its infancy, in moments in which none imagined what would happen many years later. And it was at Saint Francis Primary, an institution in which all completed their studies in school, where he met and began a friendship that would eventually endure over time. During his teens and while completing her secondary education at Saint Francis College, and Daniel Mario already beginning to entertain their peers at festivals organised in the institution, introducing comic routines which Erik was in charge of music. For its part Edgar, who enrolled one years less than others, who also was entertained by their occurrences to their friends from generation.

Already at the University, who each took different paths to devote himself to studying the career you chose. However, shortly afterwards and for a family activity, Mario asked to help Luis Carlos Cañizales-his cousin, Gabriel Chambers then-companion and university-Daniel Moreno to mount some sketch comedy for this celebration. Gabriel suggested inviting a friend to take part in the assembly, and coincidentally turned out to be Edgar, who had been his companion at school. In the end, Daniel was unable to participate in a personal commitment, but the rest for that occasion presented itself "El Rey Enamorado," original sketch of the brilliant Argentine group Les Luthiers.

Thanks to this presentation came the opportunity to make a presentation open to the public, now integrated with Daniel, in a bar in the fashionable October 29, 1994. To meet the commitment, the quintet in addition to creating comic material should find the name by which would be presented, and was born well as "The 1 / 2 docena menos uno 'and the logo of eggs crying around a fried egg, created by Chambers. Dato curious is that this was the only presentation where the name coincided with the number of members, because after the same Gabriel decided to leave the group for personal reasons. Another curious fact is that in this first submission claimed 30 thousand colones - about $ 60 - that the producer never cancelled the group.

The First Steps

Between 1994 and 1996, "La 1 / 2 docena menos uno" was kept in an informal way in introducing private events and bars, basically as a hobby that meant a symbolic income for the group. At that time, what was done was the parody of television programmes as well as the imitation of some characters of the time, and was interpreted the first song of the group: "History of a Pirate," parody of the original theme "Taxi Stories "Guatemalan singer Ricardo Arjona. It was at that time that Luis Carlos decided to leave the quartet to devote himself fully to other projects, so far only been Edgar, Daniel and Mario in the group since then be called "The 1 / 2 dozen."

In 1997 and 1998, "La 1 / 2 docena" continued to meet sporadically but only to comply with few commitments, until it became fashionable in several radio stations "Stories of a Pirate," but interpreted by another group that recorded without knowing who had written and he assumed his authorship. This success is demonstrated to members of the trio who now liked his humor, and prompted to write new songs and parodies of more comic material.

On March 11, 1999 and driven by actor Alex Campos, "La 1 / 2 docena" was first introduced at the Teatro Lucho Barahona about 75 people. For this presentation is required further unfolding on stage, so he asked Erik to strengthen the area of music. Erik accepted the "contract" with some scepticism because it was the first time that he knew about the existence of the group. After this presentation, members of "The 1 / 2 dozen" came out very pleased because they found the perfect place for people to pay more attention to their occurrences and come ready to laugh and enjoy the show without interruptions own environment bars. Here was where they could play their individual works teatroartísticoparodiocomediomusicalimitativas, a term with which christened its genre.

The Theater

After this new experience, "La 1 / 2 docena" was presented during several seasons short in the halls of the theatre 1887 and Eugene O `Neill with his first show at which he called"La 1/2 docena... ¡A Escena! ". To the surprise of its members, the show enjoyed wide acceptance, so it was decided to close 1999 with the presentation that would be the first group at the Teatro Popular Melico Salazar, one of the most important rooms in Costa Rica, where they have desfilado a long list of national and international artists. This time, the assistance already exceeded the 600 people. Enthusiasm for the support received, "La 1/2 Docena" returned to perform his show in May 2000 now at the Teatro FANAL and returned to the 1st Melico Salazar. July for submission this time with a thousand possible locations exhausted.

During 2001 the group presented to the public its second show called "Un Dos X Tres". It is in that same year Erik was incorporated as an official member of "La 1/2 Docena" and in October the four members agreed to give him an opportunity to more serious project and leave their jobs to devote themselves fully to the group. At that point Daniel, a civil engineer and economist, Erik Chemical and chemical engineering, business administration and Edgar Mario Publicist with studies in Marketing established its first office operations. Among the bustle mounted by the office, the year 2002 began with the illusion of the "quartet" of presenting a new show, a project that was achieved only partially. This show was called "What's New?" And presented the best material for his first show mixed with new material. The 2002 closed with three functions to burst in Melica Salazar with the show "A Million for Teleton" which, as its name implies, managed to collect one million colones to donate to this worthy cause. The donation was handed over to the organizers on December 7 at the Palais des Sports, where they performed the marathon. For the month of October, "The 1 / 2 dozen" returned to the National Auditorium to present a short season where he alternated his two performances "One, two three X" and "What's New?", As part of the celebration its tenth anniversary.

In 2003 the group created and premiered its fourth spectacle of theatre: "Telepar'odiar." This show presented several parodies of television programs, further arousing the interest of the group by the audiovisual production. And for the first time are abandoned parodies of songs to jump to a 100% original material, not only at the level of script but also in the musical part. "Telepar'odiar" was presented continue sporadically since 2004 until 2007. During the month of August 2007, the group returned to Melica Salazar theater to present "La 1/2 Docena. Su Historia. "At this show is a journey through the history of the group, and presents from his first musical parody, until some of the most recognizable characters in her TV program. The staging was a success that will be resubmitted to theater filled in several of his appearances. The 2008 starts with the return of "The 1 / 2 Docena. Su Historia. "At the Teatro Popular Melico Salazar. Initially six presentations were scheduled, but given the large numbers of people, three dates were opened more assistance to achieve a more than eight thousand people in this small season. .

The DVDs

In 2003 the Argentine duo Pimpinela granted permission to use officially parodies that had been made of his songs at the beginning of the group, which began producing the first DVD: "La 1/2 Docena En Vivo! Through the house DDM Records label. This DVD was recorded in the theatre FANAL when the group gave its first steps and contains, besides the aforementioned skits, a selection of sketches created for the first three shows.

The launch of this DVD, turned La 1/2 Docena in the Costa Rican first group to offer their material in this format. During the 2004 recording is the second DVD group named after its fourth show: "Tele Par'odiar," which includes scenes unreleased, extended version videos and even an audio commentary by members. The recording of this show was in charge of director Marco Calvo and its production was independent. This second DVD of the group was launched for sale in November 2004 and was placed during the month of December, in the second disc sales in the stores Vertigo, one of the major chains in the country.

Other major events

In the end of 2004 the group was invited to participate as host Awards Róger Barahona that delivers the National Chamber of Radio (Canada), which rewards creativity radial major advertising agencies in the country. Here the group not only does the driving but the overall production of the event, which was broadcast live by more than 20 radio stations. During the month of November, "La 1/2 Docena" participates for the first time in the campaign to aid organized by the association to Fight Childhood Cancer, an activity which the group attends each year and share with children who pass through this difficult disease. To close the year 2004, "La 1/2 Docena" made two appearances at the Hotel next to Corobicí recognized national ventriloquist Michael "Coco" Mora. In this event attended by executives from major channel Teletica 7, the most important television station in Costa Rica. From there, the history of the group would change radically.

La 1/2 Docena on TV

Past presentations at the hotel Corobicí, members of La 1/2 Docena initiated discussions with the Management Teletica, where shuffled the possibility of having his own television program. The first formal approach was made in January 2005 at the premises of the channel, and after a short negotiation with complete openness on both sides, began with preparations to record the pilot program. At the outset, the proposal was divided opinions within the channel, but after some internal discussions it was decided to give a chance to draft. The members of La 1 / 2 Docena it were unsure of the product offering, although aware that this was an unusual proposal mood within the Costa Rican market.

That is why during the advertising campaign launched in the expectation before its premiere, the group handled the notion that its programme "There is not more of the same. It's different." Without wanting to say that it was better or worse than what that so far offered national television, but that would be the same viewers who judged their work. Since it was conceived the idea of doing a television show, La 1/2 Docena took the slogan to give much weight to the aesthetic , Which hired Mario Vargas as Director of space. The initial team was also formed by the Gloriana Sanabria producer and technical team Teletica. Later Olga Madrigal also be integrated to strengthen the area of apparel. The introduction of the programme Douglas was given by Marten, with the collaboration of Vargas, and music that is heard during the same is headed by nationals of Son Sax.

On Wednesday, July 20, 2005 at 8:00 pm went on the air for the first time "El Show de La 1 / 2 Docena", a program with a format of comic sketches in which it is everyday situations, and also involving characters who later became a recurring within the same. So too, and depending on advertisers, advertising joins fictitious product nonexistent in commercial cuts that help minimize the zapping. The main objective of the programme is to entertain the viewer with a healthy and intelligent humor that does not offend anyone. The first programme was divided reviews by critics in the country, and since there were those who said that "until he finally could see a different mood on national television," even those who did not see him much future or anything gambled by the new space.

Fortunately, time and mainly the public viewers gave him the reason for the first, consolidating the program with increasingly better ratings. Because strategies own channel, then went on to the program transmitted by a few dates on Thursday, until finally it was decided to leave on Friday at 9:00 pm, hours that is maintained so far. This first season was recorded until December. 2006 began with the repetition of the chapters of the first season of the programme, this time to be recorded while the second season beginning in May. This time, the Director would be Hernan Jimenez, talented young man who would take over this post before the departure of Mario Vargas, who received an attractive offer from the Honduran television. In addition, he joined the group Federico Rojas for editing and Sergio Chinchilla as a charge of props.

That is why during the advertising campaign launched in the expectation before its premiere, the group handled the notion that its programme "There is more of the same. It's different." Without wanting to say that it was better or worse than what that so far offered national television, but that would be the same viewers who judged their work. Since it was conceived the idea of doing a television show, The 1 / 2 Dozen took the slogan to give much weight to the aesthetic , Which hired Mario Vargas as Director of space. The initial team was also formed by the Gloriana Sanabria producer and technical team Teletica. Later Olga Madrigal also be integrated to strengthen the area of apparel. The introduction of the programme Douglas was given by Marten, with the collaboration of Vargas, and music that is heard during the same is headed by nationals of Son Sax.

In May the second season started with a base very similar to the first, of course, by making two important changes within the format of the programme: curtains include musical sketch and between each entry and exit to trade, as well as short on comic situations an item specifically over the program, which helped give greater fluidity to it. In the first months of this year the management of the channel proposed to the group send one of the chapters of the first season to participate in the 2006 International Emmy Awards in the category of comedy. Without much thought, were chosen few sketches to be sent to such an important competition. There involved more than one hundred programs around the world (except USA), to play what would be the best comedy.

For the month of September, the emotion was great to learn that the international jury of the Emmy Awards held that "El Show de La 1 / 2 Docena" should be placed between the seven semifinalists of the competition, besides being the only Spanish-speaking inside of such a prestigious list. It is worth mentioning that the winner turned out to be "Little Britain", an excellent British production. This nomination validated much of the target group to produce humor that was also understood and accepted by international audience. At this stage, the program in Costa Rica enjoys a first place in its time slot and consolidates further thanks to the loyalty of children, youth and adults who do not lose Friday to Friday. The theme of children, is worth highlighting, was a surprise to the group, who felt pleasantly pleased and grateful to see that, despite convey its agenda at a time not directed specifically at this segment, those who are faithful followers place them in the top positions in the rating. This proves that this is a healthy and intelligent humor that can be seen as a family.

The year 2007, like the previous one, began with repetitions of the second season combined with some sketches of the first. For this time, the premiere of the third season would be until July, since the group was presented live during the month of April in the cinema hall Magaly. In June, members of the group were invited to participate in a chat organized by The Nation, the largest newspaper of Costa Rica, to discuss the premiere of the third season of its agenda. This was a different experience and interesting at the same time, as group members were able to have contact with supporters who wrote to congratulate them from different parties and external views. This chat had to extend the time foreseen, given the large number of people admitted to participate in the same. / chat_docena.html

Faced with the resignation of Hernan Jimenez as a director, this third season was the direction of Marco Calvo in recent programmes, with whom the group had already had the pleasure of working in "Telepar'odiar." Like its predecessors, ended with a special Christmas in mid-December. For the month of May, the group is preparing to write his fourth season in a row, which is expected to begin recording in May leaving the air in early August. For this new season was also decided to renew the introduction to the program, which was conducted by Peter King, renowned director with extensive experience in commercial advertising. In addition, to address the program takes the reins Manuel Granda, who has worked with other productions Costa Rican television and has studios in Spain.

La 1 / 2 Docena in Mexico

For the month of September 2007, the Government of the Republic of Costa Rica extended an invitation to The 1 / 2 Docena to participate in activities celebrating independence to be undertaken in Mexico City. In addition to two presentations before an audience that received very well, the group shared with important figures of the medium as a comic Mexican Hector Suarez, Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo, Lorena de la Garza, Arath de la Torre, personages from "The Family Plush ", Among others, who graciously collaborated for a special" El Show de La 1 / 2 Docena "which aired on the occasion of his visit to that country and that also was attended by the Costa Rican Vica Andrade.

There also had the opportunity and pleasure to meet Gus Rodriguez, Creative Director of Televisa and possessor of an impressive resume in the television industry in Mexico, as well as Don Roberto Gomez Bolanos "Chespirito" and Ms. Florinda Meza, with whom most henceforth be maintained communication.

La 1 / 2 docena presents ... Chespirito in Costa Rica

Apart from theatre and television, The 1 / 2 Dozen decided to enter into a new group project: the production of events with international artists. And what better opportunity to start in this field by presenting a milestone in the comedy world? That's right. The 1 / 2 Dozen reestablish contact with the team don Roberto Gomez Bolanos "Chespirito" so that he submit his work "11 and 12" in Costa Rica. "11 and 12" is the work more successful in the history of theater in Mexico, with more than 3,200 submissions to its credit. The presentations of the legendary "Shakespearito" were carried out between 23 and April 27, 2008 and, as expected, the influx of public was so great that forced open an additional role afternoon on the last day of submissions. During his visit, Gomez Bolanos and his wife Florinda Meza, visited the Asylum Carlos Maria Ulloa, home to senior citizens in the company of President of the Republic Dr. Oscar Arias, Minister of Culture and Youth, María Elena Carballo, and members of La 1 / 2 Dozen. They don Roberto said: "If someday I had to live in another country other than Mexico, I would choose Costa Rica for the affection of his people."


Mario Alberto Jimenez Chacon

Born on October 26 1975 in San Jose, Costa Rica. The school was elected President of Saint Francis Primary and subsequently completed their secondary studies at Saint Francis College. He Career Advertising at the International University of the americas and studied Marketing at the University Veritas. In the year 1994, he founded "La 1 / 2 Docena" where he played until now mainly as a script writer and performer, among other functions. . During my free time has also done commercial sweepers for different brands.

Mario prefers humor "seriously" in the style of players like Jerry Seinfeld, Ben Stiller, Ramon Valdez, Leslie Nielsen or members of Les Luthiers, but also enjoys much the work of Michael Richards, Roberto Gomez, among others.

Hobbies: Playing football 5 and board games. Cooking and spending time with family. Activist carts 4 X 4.

Favorite Programs: Seinfeld, The Simpsons, Chespirito, Parent

Sign: Scorpio

Height: 1.80 (on tiptoe)

Weight: 78 kilos

Erik Gilles Hernandez Gabarain

Erik came to La 1 / 2 Docena in January 1999, when his colleagues recruited as children to support them in the live music of their theatrical presentations. Born in November 1975 in the United States when his parents did postgraduate studies but lives in Costa Rica since 1977, making it tico. He studied music with an emphasis on piano at the University of Costa Rica (UCR) between 1984 and 1990. There also studied recorder, his preferred instrument, which played since early music groups in Costa Rica as Garcimuñoz, which participated in 2004 in the Early Music Festival de la UNAM, Mexico City.

He earned degrees from the RCU in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in 2000 and 2001 respectively, with an internship at the University of Freiburg, Germany, in 1997. He was professor of chemistry at UCR, where he withdrew at the end of 2001 to devote himself fully to the 1 / 2 Dozen, as composer and musical director. Since the incursion of the group on television in 2005, shared with other members humorous creativity and performance.

Hobbies: Cooking, watching TV, playing music old and very occasionally, rock

Sport: Unfortunately sporadic

Programs favorites: Biographies, Seinfeld and other comedies

Date of birth: November 12

Sign: Scorpio

Favorite Color: Black

Preferred Number: 7

Edgar Murillo Eduardo Mora

Edgar Murillo Eduardo Mora

Edgar "Guitar" Murillo gave birth to a May 11, 1976, and besides being the youngest of three brothers, is also the shortest of the group. He studied at the Saint Francis College, in Moravia, which belonged to the student banda. There he learned to play the saxophone so high and then continue with self-taught piano, guitar and singing. After completing their secondary education in 1993, he joined the race of Business Administration at University of Costa Rica, where he was president of the student associations. He worked for four years in a transnational corporation, where he served as deputy manager of the regional brand. In late 2001 decided to devote himself full time to The 1 / 2 dozen, which until then had been a hobby. In 2003 installed next to his brother franchise Uruguayan international clothing Lolita, in 2004 and obtained his Master degree in Marketing, also at the University of Costa Rica. Within the group its main strength is the originality that has to create and use of humor to sign the time to act.

Hobbies: Playing poker, playing piano, singing.

Favorite Program: Saturday Night Live and Seinfeld

Sign: Taurus

Height: 1.80

Weight: 70 Kilos

Favorite Color: Blue

Number Preferred: 11

Daniel Moreno Rojas

Born in San Jose, Costa Rica, December 9, 1974. From a very early age is an amateur art in various branches. He studied primary and secondary education at Saint Francis, where he met the other members of "The 1 / 2 Dozen" and was president of the college. He simultaneously careers of Economics at the UCR and Civil Engineering at the U America, completing his studies in 1998. Founding member of "The 1 / 2 Dozen" since 1994, where he serves as creator script and actor, in addition to playing guitar and low in the live presentations. Manager Group Gandhi from 2000 until 2007. He published a novel entitled "Revival" in 2003. Currently is co-owner of "mirror" and other bars.

Hobbies: Listening to music (rock more than anything), write, read and watch movies.

Favorite Program: The Simpsons, El Chavo

Sign: Sagittarius

Height: 1.70

Weight: 75 Kilos in March (78 in late December)

Favorite Color: Blue (and purple when I go to the stadium)

Preferred Number: 9

External Links

* [ Official "La 1/2 Docena" Website]
* [ Teletica's Show Website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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