Hugo Fernández Artucio

Hugo Fernández Artucio

Hugo Fernández Artucio was a Uruguayan teacher of philosophy, historian and politician.

Earlier career

He was an editor of "Free World" magazine in New York. He fought during two years in the Lincoln Brigade and was made prisoner by Francoists.

Author of the book "Nazis in Uruguay" (Buenos Aires, 1940) where he denounced the activities of Nazis in Uruguay. He wrote as well "The Nazi Underground in South America" (New York, Farrar & Rinehart, 1942). [] , with the approval of Charles de Gaulle.

He was a member of the Special Committee for Palestine in Uruguay, supporting the creation of the State of Israel. []

ocialist Party leadership

He used to be secretary general of the Uruguayan Socialist Party, which he left after the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was undersigned. After that he kept a Socialist-Anarchist attitude. []

Later conservative phase; link with Colorado Party

Some time after that he adhered to Batllism, organizing the Acción Gremial Batllista. [ [ Acción Gremial Batllista had been organized under the leadership of Hugo Fernández Artucio] ]

Married with Julia Faingold, he had four children: Hugo (who was Vice President), Julio, María Raquel and Elsa.

ee also

* List_of_political_families#Uruguay


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