- Kadett
Kadett corresponds to Cadet in English and is a term used in Sweden to denote officer candidates studying for becoming officer. There are basically two ways to become officer as described below.pecialist Officers (SO)
Candidates study one year to become specialists, team-leaders and/or instructors. The career involves advancements to platoon leaders of platoons that require detailed/specialist/technical knowledge.
Admission Requirements
Eqvivalent of Junior High School or Freshman year level at High School
*Math level B
*English level A
*Swedish level BMilitary
:*11 Months of conscript trainingalternatively:*6 months of preparatory training
*Age: less than 23
*Physically and mentally healthy and strongSee also
Finnish military ranks
*Military ranks of the Swedish armed forces
*Swedish Armed Forces
* [http://www.mil.se/article.php?id=1239 Officer Training]
* http://www.mhsk.mil.se/attachments/school_system_2006--.pdf[http://www.mil.se/article.php?id=432 The Swedish Armed Forces official website - military ranks] (accessed on July 13, 2007) (in Swedish)] http://www.goarmy.com/about/ranks_and_insignia.jsp USA enlisted ranks ] http://www.goarmy.com/about/ranks_insignia_officer.jsp USA comissioned officers ranks]
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