William James Hughes

William James Hughes

The Rt Rev William James HughesDD [ [http://www.maravalinc.com/angela/hayes_court_restoration.htm Often referred to as Bishop James Hughes] ] was an eminent [For example, whilst Archbishop of Central Africa he spoke out against the Rhodesian plan to place the onus on the accused to prove he had NOT commited the crime

"I am in conscience bound to register a public protestagainst something which is such a grave departure from the traditions of British Justce that it can only be termed scandalous"
The Times, Saturday, Mar 14, 1959; pg. 5; Issue 54409; col A "Archbishop Deplores Proof Clause Not British Justice"
] Anglican Bishop in the mid 20th century [The Times, Wednesday, Apr 05, 1961; pg. 11; Issue 55047; col F "Anglican Churches in Africa"] . Born in 1894 and educated at the University of Leeds [Graduating BA > Crockford's clerical directory1923 52nd Edition Lambeth, Church House, 1922] , he was ordained Deacon in 1921 and Priest in 1922 after a course of study at the College of the Resurrection, Mirfield [“Who was Who” 1897-1990 London, A & C Black, 1991 ISBN 071363457X] . After a period as curate at St Matthew's Leicester [Crockford's clerical directory1976 Lambeth , Church House ISBN 0108153674] he was appointed Priest in charge at "St Hilda" in the same city [ [http://npor.emma.cam.ac.uk/Reporter/oct80/fx80.htm New church opened in 1925] ] . From there he moved to become Vicar of "St Benedict Bordesley" [ [http://www.achurchnearyou.com/bordesley-st-benedict/ A church near you] ] after which he was appointed Rector then Dean of St George's Cathedral, Georgetown, Guyana [ [http://www.stgeorges.org.gy/St%20Georges%20Cathedral%20Book.pdf Details of Deans past and present] ] . In 1944 he was appointed Bishop of British Honduras [ "Ecclesiastical News Bishop Of British Honduras (Official Appointments and Notices)" The Times Friday, Mar 17, 1944; pg. 7; Issue 49807; col C] . After a very short time in post he was translated to Barbados [The Times, Tuesday, Oct 09, 1945; pg. 6; Issue 50268; col B "Ecclesiastical News Bishop of British Honduras to be translated to Barbados"] , during which time he set up the "Barbados Church Association" to prepare for disestablishment [The Times, Tuesday, Aug 05, 1947; pg. 7; Issue 50831; col C "Ecclesiastical News The Church In Barbados"] [ [http://www.anglican.bb/barbadosbishops/Hughes Diocesan profile] ] . In 1951 he returned to England [The Times, Monday, Jun 18, 1951; pg. 4; Issue 52030; col D "Resignation of the Bishop of Barbados"] to be Vicar of "St George's Edgbaston" [ [http://www.stgeorgesedgbaston.org.uk/ Church web site] ] with the additional title of Assistant Bishop of Birmingham [During which time he was also appointed an honorary Canon of Birmingham Cathedral > The Times, Monday, Jan 28, 1952; pg. 6; Issue 52220; col B" Church Appointments" ] . Two years later [ "Ecclesiastical News First Bishop Of Matabeleland (Official Appointments and Notices)" The Times Tuesday, Feb 24, 1953; pg. 10; Issue 52554; col C] , however, he was enthroned as the first Bishop [The Times, Friday, May 29, 1953; pg. 5; Issue 52634; col C "Bishop of Matabeleland enthroned"] of Matabeleland [during which time he became known for his dry comments on the administration of the regionFor example when it was proposed to have a second capital at Bulawayo he offered this quote from W. S. Gilbert
"Ambassadors cropped up like hay,Prime Ministers and such they grew as asparagus in May and Dukes were three a penny."
The Times, Friday, Dec 02, 1955; pg. 9; Issue 53393; col A "The Two-Capital City Federal Controversy Of Rhodesia"
] , and after four years the Archbishop of Central Africa [The Times, Monday, Jul 29, 1957; pg. 6; Issue 53905; col G "New Archbishop of Central Africa"] . In 1957 he was awarded a Lambeth degree by the Archbishop of Canterbury [ The Times, Friday, Dec 27, 1957; pg. 8; Issue 54033; col D "Ecclesiastical News Church Appointments"] , from1958 he was a Sub-Prelate of the Order of St John of Jerusalem ["Court Circular (Court and Social)" The Times Wednesday, May 21, 1958; pg. 12; Issue 54156; col B] and in 1961 he was translated for the final time to Trinidad [The Times, Wednesday, Nov 15, 1961; pg. 16; Issue 55239; col D "Ecclesiastical News New Bishop Of Trinidad Appointed"] [ [http://www.angelapidduck.com/bishop_bess.htm Unknowingly ordains a successor] ] . An eminent author [ [http://openlibrary.org/b/OL6510831M Details of text] ] , he retired in 1970 to Canada where he continued to minister at "Holy Trinity" [ [http://www.pbtrinityanglican.ca/index.html Church details] ] Port Burwell, Ontario [ [http://talbot.freeweb7.com/4portburwell.htm History of Parish] ] until his death on 5 December 1979 [He died while visiting friends in Harare > The Times, Thursday, Dec 13, 1979; pg. 14; Issue 60499; col G "Obituary- The Rt Rev W. J. Hughes"] .


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