- Albrecht Krieger
Dr. jur. h. c. Albrecht Krieger (died October 2, 2007 in
Berlin ,Germany de icon Hans Peter Kunz-Hallstein, "Zum Gedenken, Albrecht Krieger", GRUR 2008, Volume 5, 369 ] ) was a Germancivil servant . He was Chairman of theAdministrative Council of the European Patent Organisation from October 1987 to18 October 1990 . OJ EPO 11/1987, "Report on the 27th (extraordinary) meeting of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation (8 October 1987)", p. 473. ] OJ EPO 8/1990, "Report on the 37th meeting of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation (26 to 29 June 1990)", p. 333. ]In 1946, Albrecht Krieger started studying law at the "Friedrich Wilhelm-Universität", now the
Humboldt University of Berlin (German: "Humboldt-Universität"). In 1953, he entered theGerman Federal Ministry of Justice (German: "Bundesministerium der Justiz") and worked there for almost forty years, until May 1, 1990.Publications
* "Die Rechtsungültigkeit des Gebrauchsmuster nach § 9 des Ersten Überleitungsgesetzes", GRUR 1950, 131
* "Die Rückgliederung des Saarlandes auf dem Gebiet des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes, des Wettbewerbsrechts und des Urheberrechts", GRUR 1957, 98 (withKurt Haertel )
* "Kurt Haertel: Ein Leben für den Schutz des geistigen Eigentums",GRUR Int 1990, 654References
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