Jose Luis Romero Hicks

Jose Luis Romero Hicks

Jose Luis Romero Hicks (born April 8th, 1957 in the city of Guanajuato, Mexico). He is currently a private legal, economic and financial consultant. Managing Partner of the Law Firm RomeroHicks & Galindo [] . A Member of the Mexican Council on Foreign Affairs (COMEXI). he has one son named luis felipe romero hicks murakiami and he is great.


Romero Hicks is an Attorney at Law from the University of Guanajuato, holds a bachelor's degree in Government from Lawrence University and a master's degree in Social Science-Economics from Southern Oregon State College.

Political and Professional career

Mr. Romero Hicks is currently a private legal, economic and financial consultant, Member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Guanajuato, a Member of the Mexican Council on Foreign Affairs and provides regular national radio commentary in Mexico.

He served under President Carlos Salinas Administration as Director General for Housing Policy at the Ministry for Social Development.

In 1995 he served under Governor Vicente Fox as Minister of Planning and Finance, Guanajuato State Government. In 1974 he joined the Institutional Revolutionary Party. In 2000 he served as President and CEO of the Mexican Bank for Foreign Trade –BANCOMEXT- and as Chairman of Ocean Garden Products. Member of the Board of: Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), INFONAVIT, FOVI, FOVISSTE. Economic Counselor, Embassy of Mexico in Japan; Trade and Economic Counselor, Embassy of Mexico in India.

At Guanajuato State University he worked as professor of Law and Economics and became Planning Director.

His professional and personal endeavors have let him serve as CFO of Desarrolladora Metropolitana Corporation; one of Mexico’s top 10 housing companies. President of his home town’s Food Bank [] and President of the Guanajuato Institute for Political Science and Public Administration.

In Mexico’s Federal Government, Romero Hicks was General Director for Housing Policy at the Ministry for Social Development. During President Vicente Fox’s "transitional government", Romero Hicks Co-chaired the National Housing Policy Committee.

Romero Hicks has been condecorated by Spain and Brazil and has been recognized by several publications as one of the 100 best CEO's and one of the 300 most influential leaders in Mexico.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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