Northwest Mall

Northwest Mall

Northwest Mall is a shopping mall located in Northwest Houston, Texas near the intersection of U.S. Route 290 and Loop 610. The mall opened in the 1960s along with Almeda Mall, located on the south side of Houston. The malls, at one time, were near identical twins of one another.

The mall has 794,092 square feet (73,773.6 m2) in leasable space.[1]



The mall was once home, in a free-standing pad site outside the main property, to AMC Northwest 4 theatres. AMC Northwest 4 was one of the first multi-screen theatres built in Houston, Texas.

Upon opening, J. C. Penney owned their location and near-by parking, Foley's (now Macy's) owned their own location and near-by parking, and the remainder of the property was owned by the mall itself. This caused the land to be owned by three owners. In 2000, JC Penney closed their Northwest Mall location which has sat vacant to this day.

In 2006, the mall was about 64% occupied. During that year Glimcher Realty Trust put the mall up for sale, along with the Almeda Mall.[1] In 2007, Levcor Inc purchased the main mall, giving them approximately 80% ownership of the property with only Macy's having its own independent owner.

Hurricane Ike

Due to recent storm damage caused by Hurricane Ike Bath and Body Works has permanently closed their location at Northwest Mall and Macy's took substantial damage. Macy's has not removed any signage from the store, nor has it been removed from the mall's official website; it has been removed from Macy's official website.[citation needed]


The Mall, owned by Houston-based Levcor, is in the early planning stages of a redevelopment; but due to the planned city re-development of nearby Hempstead Highway[2], the shopping center is waiting to see what land they could potentially lose to eminent domain before proceeding.[3][4][5]

Notes and references

  1. ^ a b "Glimcher puts Almeda, Northwest malls up for sale." Houston Business Journal/Business First of Columbus. Friday May 19, 2006. 1. Retrieved on October 22, 2011.
  2. ^ Houston plans Hwy 290 Expansion
  3. ^ Levcor plans Redevelopment of Northwest Mall
  4. ^ Levcor Purchases Northwest Mall for $19M and plans re-development
  5. ^ City of Houston to begin Right of Way acquisition process Summer 2009

External links

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