Massoud azizi

Massoud azizi

Massoud Azizi (born 2 February 1985) is an Afghan sprint athlete. Azizi has a personal best of 11.11 seconds in the 100m sprint and 23.33 seconds in the 200m. He competed in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games where he finished 8th in his heat. In the 2005 Asian Championships, Azizi came 7th in a time 11.38 seconds. Azizi was selected to compete for Afghanistan in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in the 100m, where lined up against the likes of Michael Frater of Jamaica and Darrel Brown of Trinidad and Tobago. Azizi, came 8th in his heat of the 100m but unfortunately failed to qualify for the next round.

Personal Bests




IAAF profile for Massoud Azizi []

IAAF start list for Men's 100m in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games []

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