- Jüdische Zeitung
The Jüdische Zeitung (English "Jewish newspaper") is a monthly newspaper in German language, founded in autumn 2005. The magazine is the youngest publication of the Werner Media Group Berlin.
Focusing and readership profile
The main addressee of the monthly publication is the German speaking Jewish community as well as all readers interested in topics of Judaism. The journal informs about relevant events from Europe, the USA and especially from Israel.
*current political, religious (not only Jewish), social, cultural and economic events in Germany
*world affairs and Diaspora
*tradition and modernity
*Jewish community and contemporary Judaism
*interreligious dialogue
*views and disputes about current questions of Judaism and many general social, relevant themes
*updated Jewish art and culture
*science and education in Jewish context
*history of JudaismExternal links
* [http://j-zeit.de homepage]
* [http://www.berlin-juedisch.de/info_zeitungen.html Jüdische Zeitungen aus Berlin]
* [http://www.anis-online.de/mediendatenbank/2008/Pressezeit6/0.htm Medienschau Nahost]
* [http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,1730506,00.html Deutsche Welle]
* [http://www.pressekatalog.de/J%FCdische+Zeitung-ebinr_2039486.html Pressekatalog]
* [http://www.holocaustliteratur.de/index.php?content=143 Holocaustliteratur]
* [http://arnehoffmann.blogspot.com/2008/04/jdische-zeitung-broder-stinkt-nur-noch.html Arne Hoffmann]Notes
*Jüdische Allgemeine
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.